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"The fireworks?" Keita turned to Junkyu, "When are they happening?" The Korean boy shrugged his shoulders, pursing his lips. 

"Around ten? So like fifteen minutes from now or so," Junkyu turned to look at his phone, nodding. Keita nodded his head, feeling a bit awkward with his since he didn't speak to Junkyu a lot before or during the trip.

"Should we look for everyone else?" Keita suggested, wanting to know where Yedam went.

"No, it's usually tradition to watch the fireworks with the person you like." 

"But we're in an all boys school?" Keita tilted his head. 

"Aren't you gay too?" The Japanese boy blushed in realization, laughing nervously. 

"Uh oops?" The two stood in silence for a while, standing alone at the beach as the sun was almost fully gone. "Anyway, why are you still here with me then? Shouldn't you be with Mashiho or something?" 

"Ah..." Junkyu's voice trailed off, remembering Mahsiho's words from earlier that day, "Mashiho is probably with Asahi right now and I don't want to disturb." 

Keita's eyes lit up, immediately regretting what he asked. "Sorry I didn't-You should-" Junkyu cut him off with a dry laugh, rubbing the nape of his neck. 

"No it's okay, don't apologize, I'm fine," Junkyu smiled at Keita, "But what about you? Shouldn't you be looking for Yedam?" 

"I...haven't seen him. He just disappeared and no matter where I looked, I couldn't find him so I just gave up," Keita smiled sadly, "I'm pathetic right? Crushing on the same boy since Kindergarten and I still haven't told him how I felt. I'm always too late."

"You can still try!"


"No you can confess tonight! The night of the fireworks is when everyone confesses their feelings! If you can find Yedam as soon as the fireworks start then BAM! Badda bing badda boom!" Junkyu looked at him enthusiastically, eyes filled with excitement and hope. Keita looked up at Junkyu, biting his lip. 

"Really?" Junkyu nodded. 

"Really! I'm sure you'll find him!" Keita nodded his head, smiling brightly before taking off, trying to find the Korean boy he liked for so long. Watching him run off, Junkyu's smile slowly began to fade away, remembering why he was alone like this in the first place. 

Did Junkyu like Insoo? It seemed a bit too fast and random to him though. Sure, he spent a lot of time with her, but it wasn't like they were conversing with each other. It was really just her running errands for him or her eating lunch silently with them. There was no connection between them. 

How can you like someone you barely know? Junkyu didn't understand that concept of liking someone. Sure, he found her interesting, but it wasn't like he liked her and wanted to be with her. The boy was in deep thought, kicking the sand that was beneath his feet until he heard a voice from above him on the dock. 

"Insoo," Yedam looked out at the ocean, his eyes glistening under the moonlight, "What's up?" Insoo fidgeted slightly, twiddling her thumbs as she stared out with him, leaning against the rail.

"I know this might seem out of place and I already know your answer but," Insoo took a deep breath in, "I like you. I really really like you. I have for a long time and I...yeah."

The two were quiet, not saying anything for a while. Unbeknownst to them, Junkyu heard everything that Insoo said, a strange feeling strangling his heart as he quietly ran away from the area, not wanting to hear what happened next. 

"I don't..." Yedam's voice trailed off, but Insoo cut him off, smiling reassuringly at him. 

"I know, you don't like me. It's obvious who you do like, though," Insoo nudged him when the first firework shot up into the indigo sky. "Junkyu, you like him, don't you?"

Yedam smiled like a fool at the mention of the koala boy. "Yeah, I like him, a lot."

"You like Junkyu?" The two turned around, startled by the newcomer. The boy panted slightly as he looked up at them, tears running down his rosy cheeks as hurt and disbelief flashed through his eyes. 

"Keita?" Yedam looked at the Japanese boy, taking a step towards him, but Keita only stepped backwards. Keita didn't want to be near him, his heart unable to bear any more pain. Without another second passing, Keita booked it, leaving the two alone as he went to find his other two Japanese friends, wanting comfort. "W-Wait Keita!" 

Yedam moved to run after the boy, but Insoo held onto his arm, stopping him from doing so. "What the hell Insoo!" Yedam whipped his head around to the crossdresser, glaring at her. 

"If you run after him, you'll be hurting him even more, so don't."

The last thing on the beach were heartbreaks and fireworks.


"OH! Hyung, look! The fireworks started!" Yeongue marveled at the sky, eyes lit in amazement. The colors exploded all over, brightly greeting the two. Yoonbin moved to stand beside the younger, looking up at the sky quickly before fixing his gaze on him. "Aren't they beautiful?"

"Yeah...you are," Yoonbin's words subconsciously slipped through his lips, his eyes not averting away from the younger. Yeongue's face fired up at Yoonbin's words, turning a bright red as he looked up at his Hyung. 

"Wh-what?" Finally realizing what he said, Yoonbin snapped out of his daze, panicking slightly as he tried to think of an excuse. 

"Uh-uhm-well-uh-" the older stumbled over his words, unsure of what to say. The younger chuckled, quickly going onto his tip toes and wrapping his arms around his lean figure, holding him close. 

"You're so cute Binnie Hyung," Yeongue commented, feeling Yoonbin wrap his arms around him and rest his chin on his head. The two stayed in that position, watching the fireworks above them. "Sorry I'm stupid."

"Yeah, you are."


"You were the one who said it first, I only agreed."

Yoonbin shrugged his shoulders as Yeongue pouted. 

"But why are you apologizing?"

"Hyung...I think I was interested in Insoo and wanted to be his friend but I confused that with liking him."


Yoonbin looked down at the younger, not knowing why he was telling him this. Yeongue looked back up at Yoonbin, their eyes meeting. Their hearts matched each others pace, beating together in sync. Slowly, they leaned in. 

The last firework was going up, exploding in the night sky, ending the show with the most extravagant firework. Their lips connected when the last firework exploded, the bright beautiful light matching with their emotions bursting inside of them. 

"I like you, Hyung."

Yoonbin pecked the boys lips. 

"I love you, Gue."

The two leaned into each other again, smiling into the kiss that they shared. 


I decided to add some fluff in the end because there wont be any for a while;;
I hope Yeongue's and Yoonbin's relationship didn't seem too rushed T^T

~ Her 

How To Kiss A Boy//Kim Jun KyuWhere stories live. Discover now