Chapter 34: Happy Birthday Kelly Richardson/2nd Sectionals!!!

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*Don't Start Video Yet.*

*Ross and Julianna we're in the middle of changing and feeding the twins when they heard a knock on the door.*

Julianna: Can someone please get the door me and Ross kinda have our hands full

Mackenize: I got it *Says as she goes to open the door and sees Connor and he looks like he was just beaten by someone.* Oh My God Connor! *Pulls him into the house.* Avery!

Avery: *Walks into the room.*What wrong sw-*Gets cut off when sees Connor and immediately goes to check him.* Connor sweetie what happened?, I need the first aid kit now!!

Connor: Mrs.Norman I'm okay I just tripped and fell on the way over *Says as he was trying to convince her that this wasn't a big deal.*

Mackenize: *Brings Avery the first aid kit.* It doesn't look like you tripped and fell Connor. *Says with a worried and scared voice and a tear fell from her face.*

Connor: No Mackenize please don't cry I'm okay. *Gestures for her to sit next to him and she does as he gives her a gentle hug saying he's okay.*

Gabe: *Walks into the room while his mom is cleaning Connor's wounds and goes to him.* Dude what happend? Are you okay?

Connor: Yes I'm fine and I'm not your dude

Gabe: Connor I'm sorry you were only trying to help me and Sun hi and I would like for you to keep helping me

Connor: I'll think about it Gabe but. *Avery starts to clean his black eye and he flinches.* Ow! Mrs. Norman that hurts

Avery: I know Connor but I have to get your eye cleaned or it could get infected but your good to go and your staying with us tonight

Gabe: Yeah I agree you can use Corki's room

Connor: Thank you

Avery: Of course and are you hungry?

Connor: A little

Avery: Okay I'll make you something. *Says as she gets up and heads to the kitchen to make Connor something to eat while Julianna and Ross walks out of their room with the twins and sees Connor.*

Julianna: Connor!

Connor: Don't worry Julianna I'm okay and how are you and Ross doing with Yahir and Yareil?

Ross: We're good barely getting sleep *He said while chuckling a bit.*but good and you rememberd their names

Connor: Of course I love babies they are so cute to me and I've always wanted to be a dad

Julianna: *Smiles.* You will one day and want to hold one?

Connor: *Nods.* Can I?

Julianna: *Gently lays Yareil in his arms and teaches him how to hold a baby.* Make sure your supporting his head.

Connor: *Nods and supports Yareil's head.* Like this?

Julianna: Perfect. *Smiles and starts talking to her son in a baby voice.* Hi mama's boy what are you doing? Are you gonna open those eyes for mama and dada?

Yareil: *Starts to open his eyes but is struggling because it's too bright for him.*

Ross: *Puts his hand over Yareil's eyes to help him open his eyes.*

Connor: What are you doing?

Ross: When babies are trying to open their eyes you have to block any light because it bothers and hurts their eyes

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