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What's up I'm Brett Higgins and I'm the son of Lilyrose Higgins and Sawyer Higgins. I can't stand the smell of pizza but I love to eat it. I will take cold pizza any day. I am known as the "cool" kid that everyone is practically begging to be my friend.

Hi I'm Rose higging and I'm the daughter of Lilyrose Higgins and Sawyer Higging. I am allergic to roses and lillies. I am a quiet and nice kid but sadly no one wants to be my friend.

Hey guys I'm Luna Winston and I'm the daughter of Lillie Winston and the infamous Dallas Winston. I am a tomboy, super shy but funny when I want to be. I hate the muscles and hate nail Polish I love to play the drums and play volleyball.

Hi I'm Star Winston and my mom is Lillie Winston and the infamous Dallas Winston. I am girly, a social butterfly I play softball and I hate the color black.

Hey I'm Gabe Norman and I'm the son of Avery Norman and Jace Norman. And I'm am one of the most popular guys in school because I'm in a boyband called the Encore boys. I like to hang out with my friends and protect my sister. I hate when people try to use me for their own advantages.

Hello I'm Corki Norman and I'm the daughter of Avery Norman and Jace Norman. I love to learn anything that has to do with books, homework, math, read, science, social studies Im a master at. I'm also very shy just like rose I have no friends maybe because all I do is sit in a corner and read/ study.

Names Julianna, but I go by Juli. And your only aloud to call me Juli. Everyone thinks and knows of me as the bad girl....get used to it.

Hi im Nathan and I have two siblings named Rose and Brett. I dislike the way Brett treats me and that's why my favorite sibling is rose. I like playing with my toys and when my sister plays superheroes with me. I dislike how just because I'm one of the youngest doesn't me I don't have feeling.

Sup guys its Jacob im an only child which  means I get all my parents love. But I do have a best bud and his name is Brady we have been through so much together. I like when im singing and dancing with my friends I dislike when they fight with each other.

Sup guys im Junior and like Jacob im an only child which means I get all the attention and unlike Jacob that likes all the attention of being an only child  for me it gets lonely and some time I wish I had a brother or sister. But I know that mom and dad are busy with work, bills, and taking care of me  but maybe someday.

What's up dudes and dudettes im Brady besides being an only child i do have a best bud his name is Jacob we been best friends since we could even talk. It's nice beening the only child because we don't have to deal with sibling fighting and stuff like that but we still get dragged into the drama. Anyway I love music and dancing it's just a way I can express myself without making myself look like a fool.

Jodi up in the house so let's get this straight I love music, fashion, dancing, and my girls but I am hiding something from them that if they find out im dead. Anyway I hate the peppermints, the muscles, the stupid idiotic encore boys and most importantly the villains. Well that's it for me leave out suckers.

Hello im Mackenzie 'Mack or kenize for short' I have an annoying twin brother names David. Yep me and David are twins well fraternal twins but he still drives me crazy. So l love to dance, sing , annoy my brother to the point he gets mad at me he doesn't like it but I think it's funny.

Sup peeps im David and im a twin my twin is a girl her name is Mackenzie. She annoys me to the point where I just gets mad at her and she just laughs about it. So I love singing with the encore boys I hate it when Mack buts in when im hanging out with my bros so I pay her back by when her friends are over I bug her.

Hi im Dominic and im in the only child group along with Jacob, junior, and Brady. Im not much of a talker like the others I like how while the others are hanging out rose and corki come to hangout with me. I dislike how everyone eles just leaves me out of things and I don't like that the only ones who listens to me are rose and corki.

Hello im Luke and im the youngest out of all the kids but I have a friend his name is nathan. I love to dance I never really tried singing before so that's kinda new for me.

All kids greasers and kid socs: And this is our story

Kid greasers: we were supposed to say that

Kid socs: no we were

*they all begin to argue*

Rose: This is our story *in a shy voice*

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