Chapter 29: Nationals!!!

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*The teens were still in the hospital with Jax holding Yareil and Soda holding Yahir as the two boys were still sleeping*

Jax: *Towards everyone* Guys I'm an uncle

Soda: And I'm an grandpa *Toward Yahir* I'm going to teach you how to play football and teach you how to arm westle and-*Gets cut off by Julianna*

Julianna: Dad they were born not even 5 minutes ago

Soda: Sorry I just can't believe that I have two grandsons

Julianna: I know I still can't believe that I'm a mom and I want Corki to be my kids godmother which means if anything were to happen to either me or ross then corki would take legal guardianship over them if she wants to

Corki: *In a whisper* Of course I would be honored

Ross: I'm glad and Matthew I would like you to be their godfather which means you would have the same role as corki so if anything were to happen to us then both you and corki would take responsibilty for Yareil and Yahir if you want to that is

Matthew: Why did you pick me?

Ross: Because not only are you my best friend but you have a heart a gold and you always put others before you *Towards Corki* We chose you because you always make sure that everyone feels comfrotable being themselves

Matthew: It's true corks you do I mean you did get ross to come back

Corki: *In a whisper* Well yeah I believe that everyone should be themselves no matter what anyone tells them

Connor: Excuse me I have to go *Kiss corki on the cheek then walks out the door*

Corki: *Is confused but in a whisper* Is he okay?, I'll be right back *Goes after him* Connor!

Connor: *Stops at the sound of his name and turns to see corki* What?

Corki: *In a whisper* Are you okay?, What was that back there?

Connor: I'm fine and It's nothing

Corki: *In a whisper* Connor I can tell that it's not nothing please tell me I'm here to help you

Connor: I said it was nothing so drop it!!! *With that he walks out the door leaving a hurt corki just standing there until she slowly started making her way back to the room but once she got there gabe seen her face*

Gabe: You okay sis?

Corki: *In a whisper* Connor just yelled at me

Gabe: HE WHAT?!?!

Julianna: Do you know why he yelled?

Corki: *Shakes her head and in a whisper* All I asked was are you okay and he just blew up at me *Looks at everyone* Did I do something wrong without knowing?

Avery: Of course not sweetie just talk to him before nationals

Generations: *Eyes widen as they look at each other* Nationals!?!?

Caleb: *Puts hand on forehead* Nationals are today I completely forgot

James: And we are down two members what are we going to do

Corki: *Is thinking gets in an idea then says in a whisper as she looks at Daniel* No you're only missing one because you have daniel

Jacob: But he's not apart of the generations

Corki: *In a whisper* Then let him audition to become apart of the generations you guys wouldn't be disapointed he's has an amazing voice please give him a chance

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