Chapter 17: Happy Birthday Jace Norman!!!

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*Today is Jace's birthday and he was beyond excited to the point where he was up before anyone eles making noise*

Jace: *While screaming and banging two pots together* Come on! wake up it's my birthday!!

Everyone: *Gets up and walks out of their rooms as pony sneaks behind him with the whipped cream bottle and sprays him*

Jace: *Turns around to see that pony is laughing behind him* Pony!!!

Pony: It's a tradition *Says before spraying him again*

Gabe: Happy birthday dad *Hugs him as Avery and Corki comes out of the kitchen with his breakfast*

Avery: Happy birthday babe *Hands him his breakfast and gives him a kiss*

*After the kids finished getting ready they ate breakfast and left for school. Once they got there the kids immediately went their separate ways that's when jodi grabbed Corki and the two went over to Sun hi even though their uncle told them to stay away from her*

Jodi: Hey why didn't you wait for us like you always do?

Sun hi: I got to go *Starts to walk off by is stopped by Corki*

Corki: Sun hi What's going on?

Sun hi: I'm sorry but Xoiq and this friendship is over *Walks away and the other two go after her but bump into someone and that someone happens to be Connor and they almost knock him to the floor but the two were quickly by his side to make sure that he doesn't hit the floor*

Connor: *Towards Jodi* Thanks *Then he uses his crushes to walk away and jodi just looked from connor to corki confused as to what was going on*

Jodi: What was that about?

Corki: It's nothing *Is obliviously lying and Jodi can tell*

Jodi: Come on corks I can tell when your lying

Corki: I can't deal with this right now plus today's my dad's birthday

Jodi: Still you need to talk to him to see what's going on

Corki: I'm not going to talk to him and that's final *She walks away with Jodi following her and they see sun hi in the choir room so they went up to her*
Sun hi?

Sun hi: *Sees the two and gets up* I'm going to tell you this once and only once stay away from me or you will regret it *Turns around and goes back to her seat as the other two are in shock but they take their seats. As Mr. wayne walks in helping Connor and once the girls see him they immediately get up and helps him to a chair then Natalie scoots corki's chair closer and then she puts connor's arm around corki's neck then grabs corki's hand and puts it on top of his and wrapped her fingers over his fingers. But that didn't last very long when connor took his arm back and scooted away from corki*

Corki: *Gets up and stands in front of him* What the hell is up with you?

Connor: I don't want to talk about it

Corki: Okay just because you don't want to talk about it doesn't mean you have to treat the people that care about you like this

Francesca: *Being dramatic* Oh no, is there trouble is couple villie?

Corki: Shut up Francesca and for the hundreath time we aren't dating so stop saying we are when we aren't

Francesca: I know that even though I prefer you with Calvin then with him

Connor: That's it *He gets up and uses his crushes to walk out of the room with the other rebel love members following him to see if he was okay while everyone eles just looks at francesca like they want to hit her for saying something like that*

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