Chapter 46: Birthday Surprise 😮 🎂🎁

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*It was Connor's 16th birthday and after they had finished making his breakfest they went into his room and woke him up.*

Everyone: Happy Birthday Connor!!! *Says as Pony sprays him with Whipped cream.*

Connor: *Is wide awake covering his face.* Mr. Curtis!!!

Pony: Sorry it's tradition. *Sprays him again.*

Gabe: Alright Uncle Pony that's enough. *Says as he gives Connor his breakfest.* Happy birthday dude

Connor: Thanks dude

Avery & Jace: Happy birthday

Connor: Thank you. *Looks around.* Where's Corks?

Corki: (9 months pregnant and slighty overdue.) I'm here but 9 months and slightly passed your due date you're not that fast. *Finally gets to him and kissed him.* Happy Birthday babe

Connor: *Kisses back.* Thank you baby. *Notices that she's in pain and gets up.* Are you ok babe?

Corki: I'm ok it's just some braxton hicks.

Ava: Are you sure honey? I can take a look

Corki: *Shakes head.* I'll be ok Aunt Ava besides we have to start getting ready for Connor's party

Connor: *Shakes head.* I honestly think we should post pone the party and go to the hospital just to be safe

Jace: I agree with Connor babycakes. You're clearly in pain and miserable

Corki: Yeah you try still being pregnant 2 weeks over due

Gabe: Excatly why you should at the hospital sis.

Corki: I siad I'll be ok me and baby girl talked this morning and she is staying put.

Julianna: *Comes through the door with her boys as she says that.* Corks girl that's not how that works. You can't just tell a baby to stay put because that baby will come when she's ready to meet you and Connor.

Corki: I want her to stay put because I don't think I'm ready. I'm scared

Connor: *Takes her hands into his.* I'm scared too babe but I know we can do this together

Corki: *Smiles.*

*The party starts as the guest comes in and due to some arrangements Corki made Jax, Ryder and Mason we're able to come and they immediately go over to him.*

Jax, Ryder and Mason: Happy Birthday dude!

Connor: *Is shocked and bro hugs them.* Thanks how are you guys here?

Mason: My Robin made some arrangements for us to be here.

Connor: *Is confused.* Your who?

Mason: Corks

Connor: Oh got you. I thought you got a girl?

Jax: Nope but me and Ryder do

Ryder: Mines is Charlotte and Jax's is Kaliani

Connor* Eyes widen.* Jax's are you crazy. she's one of ones that hurt Us

Ryder: They proabably had a good explaintion but it was you that told us that love is love no matter who it is. Exsample you and Corks a Soc and Greaser

Connor: That's true. Congrats to Jaxani, Cyder and Javid

Ryder: Who?

Connor: David and Juliet they just got together too

*They nod as the party conutines soon it was time for cake and sing Happy Birthday that's when the lights get turned off and Corki comes out with the cake and everyone starts to sing but towards the end of the song Corki drops the cake as her water breaks and she's filled with the most intense pain.*

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