Chapter 45: Puerto Rico 🇵🇷

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*Avery and Corki had just come home from the store and was carrying the bags in when Connor sees them.*

Connor: *Quickly gets up and grabs bags from both of them.* Here let me help you ladies with those.

Avery: *Smiles* Thank you Connor such a gentleman

Corki (8 months pregnant.) He sure is. *Smiles and kisses him.*

Connor: *Kissed back as he brings the bags over to the counter and starts unloading them. While he was unloading the groceries and putting them away he pulled out a Doppler out of the bag.* What is this?

Avery: That's a Doppler. Doctors/Nurses use it to hear and check on baby girl's  heartbeat and the one your holding is the personal home set.

Corki: Meaning we can check on our little ones heartbeat whenever we like.

Connor: *Gets excited.* Can we try it out now?

Corki: In a minute babe let me finish helping my mom put the groceries away and start making a list of what we need.

Connor: A list for what? *Says as Jace and Gabe comes into the room.*

Jace: Our trip to Puerto Rico to visit my family

Gabe: Remember when our Tia Piper, Step Uncle Eric, Erica, Corey Abuela and Abuelo came to visit for Corks birthday?

Connor: Of course I do.

Corki: Well we're going on annual trip to see them in a couple weeks and we need to prepare

Connor; What can I help with? and Do you know how we did for the Vortex and Sheild test?

Avery: You can help Corki go over the list of what we need and you are both offically the new members of Vortex and Sheild!

Connor & Corki: *Hugs each other and conutines with the list. After they finished they all sat down on the couch that's when Connor turns to Jace.*

Connor: (He got the priviage to call Corki's by their names.) Jace I didn't know you were from Puerto Rico. I always thought you were from here since you meet Avery here

Jace: I was born and rasied in Puerto Rico until age 13 when I moved to Tulsa with my family and lived here a couple years. But when I was about 17 my family wanted to move back to Puerto Rico but I didn't want to. I wanted to stay here and start a life with Avery who was my girlfriend at the time. I did eventally moved back with my wife and kids because I wanted Gabe and Corki to have both sets of our familes in their lives. also we would like you to come with us.

Connor: *Smiled.* I would love to I'd just have to check with my boss first to see if he'll give me the time.

Corki: My boss already gave me the time off and before we go I'd really like to go see Francesca and meet the baby

Connor: I want to do that too but can we listen to baby girl's heartbeat before?

Corki: *Smiles.* Of course we can. *Shows him how it works first then lifts up her shirt as he puts the wand on her tummy and they wait for a minute.*

Connor: *Gently moves the wand on Corki's tummy as they hear little strong beats and he kissed her tummy and talks to his daughter.*

*They listened to baby girl's heartbeat for a couple more minutes before leaving to the hospital to see Francesca.*
(Transition To The Hospital)

*The whole family wanted to go with the Normans to see how Francesca is doing. When they entered her room they seen her laying in bed holding her sweet little girl in a pink blanket.*

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