Chapter 16: Happy Birthday Sodapop Curtis!!!!

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*It's the morning of Soda's birthday and his siblings are in the kitchen making him breakfest. After they finished they started to head to his and Mickie's room. Once they got to his room and opened the door Avery and Sofia immediately turned into 5 years olds and literally jumped on soda screaming their heads off which woke him up while Darry gives him his food and pony sprays him with whipped cream.*

Curtis Siblings: Happy Birthday Soda!!!

Mickie: Happy Birthday babe!! *She kisses him*

Soda: Thanks guys but I really don't want to celebrate my birthday this year  *Says while eating*

Avery: Are you okay?

Soda: Yeah...It's just that-*Gets cut off by sofia*

Sofia: You don't want to celebrate your birthday because Julianna not here?

Soda: All I want for my birthday is for another chance with my daughter because I was too hard on her *The kids comes and wished soda a happy birthday*

Gabe: Happy birthday Uncle Soda

Soda: Thank you kiddo, Where's your sister? *He asked because all the kids are in the room except for Corki*

Gabe: I didn't see her this morning *Towards the others* Did anyone see her?

Brady: No but I did find this note from her on the counter *Holds up the note from corki and gabe just looks at the boy*

Gabe: What does it say?

Brett: It probably says *Does his best to imitate Corki* I'm so sorry Uncle Soda that I forgot your birthday It's just that my boyfriend was more important *That earned him a slap in the back of the head from Gabe*

Gabe: They aren't dating

Jodi: That was all because calvin had to ruin it *Crosses her arms*

Mackenize: yeah I feel bad for Connor

Gabe: Guys!!! That's no the point now what does the note say?

Brady: It says that she had a tutoring session this morning and she will see us at school

Gabe: Who wants to study at this time?

Mackenize: Maybe Con-*Gets cut off by Gabe pointing at her*

Gabe: If you say Connor I will punch you

Jodi: Gabe you do realize that you can't hit a girl right

Gabe: Whatever I'm going to go get ready *He walks out the room with the others following him*

*Once the kids were done getting ready they ate breakfast and left to find corki. Once they were there they seen her talking to mason and went you to them*

Gabe: Corki where the hell were you this morning and why are you here on Sunday? 

Corki: I had a tutoring session today and the only time the person could do it was this morning why?

Jodi: See Brett I told you that she wasn't with Connor

Corki: Connor? Why would he be here on Sunday?

Mason: speaking of him me and the guys were thinking of going over to his house and hanging out. You should come with us Corki

Corki: I'm sorry but I can't my uncle's birthday is today and I have to be home for his party

Mason: Okay I will see you guys later *He walks away as she turns to the others*

Corki: Okay is everything almost ready?

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