Chapter 12:Sectionals

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Matthew: Corki I already told you there's nothing eles to say

Corki: Can we at least talk about what you are going to do?

Matthew: Honestly I don't kno*Gets cut off when Chase comes up to them*

Chase: You kids ready to go?

Matthew&Corki:*Nods and walks towards the others so that they can leave. Once they got home everyone split to do their own thing. Corki was in Nathan's room hanging out with Nathan and Luke playing a game until Julianna comes in the room and pulls Corki out*

Julianna: Alright Norman what's up with you?

Corki: I don't know what your talking about?

Julianna: Really? cause ever since you found out about me, matt and ross you have been acting different, Or is this about Connor

Corki: I had a bad week that's all *While the two girls are having their conversation Jasper walks into the bathroom because he was trying to find some medicine for Luke. So he was looking in all the drawers but couldn't find any. He was about to walk out of the bathroom until he noticed that there was a drawer he didn't check so he walked over to the drawer and started looking. After about a couple minutes of searching and not finding the medicine he finds something eles so he picks it up to see that it a positive pregnancy test*

Jasper: *Marches out of the bathroom* ALL THE FEMALE KIDS TO THE LIVING ROOM NOW!!!!!

This caused everyone to come see what the comotion is about

Jasper: Rose, Luna and Star this doesn't involve you so you guys can go

The three get up and walks out the room without arguing because they see that jasper upset about something

Jodi: *Turns to the other three girls and starts to whisper while Jasper is talking to the adults about something* What is this about?

Mackenize: I don't know but i'm scared we've never seen Jasper that mad before

Ray: *Him and the adults turms around to face the girls* Alright Julianna go with Jace, Mackenize your with me, Jodi with Soda and Corki your with Jasper.

Mackenize&Julianna&Corki& Jodi: *Looks at each other wide eyes* PMWP'S!!!

Corki: Private meetings with parents are never good

Soda: You got that right now let's go *He grabs Jodi and takes her to her room while Jasper takes Corki to her room and Ray takes Mackenize into her room and Jace takes Julianna into hers*Jodi sit down we have something to talk about

Jodi: *Sits down on her bed and looks at him*

Soda: *Sits next to her* You know you can tell me anything?

Jodi: Whatever this is about I am innocent

Soda: Jodi this is not something that can be blown over this is serious

Jodi: I don't know what your talking about?

Soda:*Takes a deep breath* Jasper found a postive pregnancy test in one of the drawers in the bathroom

Jodi: Uncle Soda it's not mine

Soda: I want to believe you Jodi

Jodi: Uncle Soda it's not mine because everyone knows that I have a boyfriend *she pauses and looks at the ground then back at soda* Well I'm not so sure anymore because ever since he joined The Generations and Encore boys I barely see him anymore

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