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This is something to not be mistaken with banishing or warding. Binding is to bring something into you, or closer together. This is not what you are looking for if you want someone out of your life. The flip side of this is, if you are binding someone or something consider that this may not be what is meant to happen, and the consequences of that playing out. Your path is entirely up to you, and if you feel the need to do a binding have at it, just be very clear about what you are seeking, and what can happen. Binding can be forcing something to happen, making someone as they are not, bringing things in, or people together.

To make someone stop lying you will need a white piece of paper, a white candle, and must be done before you go to sleep. Write the person's name on the paper. Light the candle. Ground yourself, prepare your intent, give your intentions to the candle. Fold the paper three times, facing away from you, place the paper under the candle. Blow out the candle by saying the person's name. In the morning, light the candle, and again give your intention. Put the candle out by saying their name into the flame, or breathing the words so it goes out. Say their name again through the smoke as it blows away from you.

To bring two people closer together: Please keep in mind, people have their own ideas and intentions, and use this only when necessary or in the right situation. Let's say you have two coworkers who are feuding and it's affecting the energy as a whole at work. You may try this to get them to get along a little better, or perhaps to end a feud between family members.
You will need something symbolic of the two people, something small either with their name on it, or something belonging to them. Put the two pieces on a table or flat space as far apart as possible. Put a piece of paper with your intention under each. For example "For Coworker and Coworker to be more friendly with each other." Speak your intentions over the pieces. Every day speak your intention over the two pieces and very slowly move the two together a little closer each day.  When the two pieces in the middle meet keep them like that until the intention has been met.

Side note* Children should never perform love spells. Just generally speaking. There's nothing wrong with trying to find someone who loves you, but not forcing someone to fall in love.

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