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Lithomancy is the process of throwing or casting stones to read for spiritual guidance. This is a common form of divination. You may be able to purchase a kit to start the practice. If you choose to, you can make your own set. There are 13 runes, each with their own representation. Their meaning is determined by their proximity to one another, and their placement on the board. The board can be made of wood, cloth, cardboard, or paper. The runes can be stones, purchased, or painted rocks. Stones gathered from nature itself are said to have the most accurate properties. The thirteen stones will have a symbol to represent each, you can search them online, or create your own symbols. You will need a bag for the stones, this is why a cloth is preferred, you can tie the four corners to seal the runes inside. A simple method is to draw on a handkerchief or cut out a 1x1ft square sheet. The color of the cloth you use will have a corresponding purpose. The board can be drawn many different way to suit the reading you desire. It's best to research the types of boards and see them for yourself before you decide which one to use specifically. The thirteen runes vary as well in their interpretations as planets, people, and elements. You should research which rune set resonates with you the most, or which will be the easiest for you to interpret. When you have chosen you can start by drawing a stone for each day, much like oracle cards. Once you're comfortable in your daily divination skills, you can move on to casting the stones. You hold the stones in both hands above the board, release them, and read where they fall. Lithomancy has been around for a very long time. This practice holds a special place in my heart, because you can bond with your stones, much like with a tarot deck. You can give the stones your essence, your blessings, and charge them. In short, if you like rocks, you might like this one. 

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