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Imbolc is on the first or second of February. It is also known as Brigid's day or candle-mas. It is a time to let go of the winter season, and prepare for spring. This holiday falls between the two solstices. This is a festival of light, warmth, and the return of daylight. This coincides with Groundhog day, a celebration of animals returning from their winter sleep, and using the pattern of the animals to determine the length of winter remaining. Imbolc is where the term 'spring cleaning' comes from, or rather, spring cleansing. This is the time of year to shake off any weariness leftover from a hard winter. Celebrations of this often include dressing in the colors related to the seasonal changes, and resetting your altar. If you want an activity you can do with others that's quite simple try a Brigid's Cross. The cross is said to ward off evil, hunger, and fire. When you have crafted one you can hang it in your home where you feel most drawn to display it. This is also the time of year when it is best to start working on your garden, preparing for the seeds. If you start at this time of year with herbs or flowers you will have some nice blooms just in time for spring. It is a custom to light a red candle, if you do not have a red candle a white candle is a good substitute. If you have a red container for the candle it is also symbolic. You should leave this candle out to guide the light to your home as it returns for spring. Imbolc is also a time for dancing, to clear out all the leftovers from winter, and to make a path for the light to follow. There are ritual dances, and of course you can always just do as you feel led. This is a good time of year to take a walk in nature. Take note of any seasonal changes you find, notice any animals you see returning. The birds may be singing as well, it can be nice to sit out and listen to nature itself sing. If you are not in a situation that permits you to be around nature, do as you feel led. You can go to a local park, take a hike, watch something that makes you feel one with nature, or simply meditate. This is also the time of year to make Bridey Dolls. This is a doll of spring, it should be filled with your intention, herbs, flowers, and given as an offering. It also helps if you have kids, this is something simple you may be able to have them participate in. This time of year it was common to celebrate by lighting fires, if you are not able to light a fire in your fireplace or make a bonfire you can always participate by burning a candle, or working with representations of the element fire. Imbolc is also the time to visit a stream or river. The idea was to go to the holy well to purify and bring meaningful dreams. If you are able to find a safe place to do so, try visiting a body of water that is special to you, and splash some water over yourself. If you are unable, a nice bath is a good alternative.

How it is celebrated:

Color correspondences; white yellow green brown gold silver pastels

Activities; cleaning your house or space, cleansing yourself, your tools, and your space spiritually, rituals involving new beginnings, spells for starting anew, rituals or spell-work to end things that have passed on, crafting the Brigid's cross, lighting red candle, writing poetry, creative arts, dancing, crafting Bridey Dolls, cleansing with water

Cooking with foods and herbs; milk and honey are often associated with this holiday, basil, chamomile, cinnamon, blackberry, colts foot, ginger

Crystals correspondences; amethyst, clear quartz, citrine, rose quartz, black tourmaline, obsidian

Keep in mind however your family chooses to celebrate the sabbats, however you feel led to celebrate is much more important than any how-to. 

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