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Learning the runic alphabet is a great way to start putting your intentions into action. Once you learn the runic alphabet and their meanings you can write out exactly what you seek. The runic alphabet has strong ties to deities and their representations. It is a good place for beginners to start their practices. Try putting runes around your house, or on your papers for better results. You may get a better grade by putting a rune in the corner of your paper. You may protect your house's energy by putting a rune above the door. The runes run A-NG in Norse. They go as follows;
A Ansuz-Odin God Ancestors
B Berkana-Birth Earth Mother
C Kaunaz-Fire Knowledge
D Dagaz-Dawn Intention Light Within
E Ehwaz- Horse Twin Gods Relationships
F Fehu-Frey Wealth Mother
G Gebo-Gift Divine Interaction
H Hagalaz-Air transformation Egg of Life
I Isa-Ice Cosmic Coherence
J Jera-Earth Cycles Right Action
K Kaunaz-Fire Knowledge
L Laguz-Water Living Renewal
M Mannaz-Man Divine Union Manifestation
N Nauthiz- Necessity Needs Friction Shadow
O Othila- Ancestral Inherited Property Genetics
P Peorth-Hearth Divination Luck Primal Law
Q Kaunaz- Fire Knowledge
R Raido-Wheel Solar Chariot Rhythm
S Sowulo-Sun Thunderbolt Wheel of Power
T Teiwaz-Victory Masculine Gods Warrior Rune
U Uruz- Power Primal Creative Force Gateway
V Wunjo-Joy Kinship Heritage
W Wunjo- Joy Kinship Heritage
X Thurisaz-Thor Protection Polarity Regeneration
Y Fiwaz-Death Tree of Life Dreaming Magic
Z Algiz-Protection Sanctuary Divine Protection
TH Thurisaz-Thor Protection Polarity Regeneration
NG Inguz-Procreation True Love Music Harmony

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