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Wildcraft is a process of incorporating nature into your craft. This can be making tools by hand, from items gathered in nature, or decorating your altar with the bounty of the seasons. You should research your local environment to see what is available to you. Make sure you take only what you need, and ask first. If you are able you can even give offerings back to nature. If you have excess food, you can give it to animals near your home, if it is safe to do so. If you have a dry patch in your yard, consider watering it a little extra. You can find many ways to give back to nature. Always make sure you do not place something outside that can harm the environment or animals around it. The other thing you must be aware of are any poisonous plants, or plants you may have an allergic reaction to such as sumac, poison oak, and poison ivy.  Do not pick any plants that do not have enough to reproduce, or plants that are endangered. There are many substitutions in the craft. Be sure you give thanks when you are done gathering what you need. Many plants can be dried, hung, displayed, or burned for spiritual purposes. They can be made into various crafts as well. Some simple crafts for your craft;

Gather discarded sticks, place them into the shape of a pentagram, wrap twine or thread around the edges and tie together

Using a circular pattern(wire, foam, or handmade), you can add things like pine branches that have fallen, or vines. Once you have the pattern wrapped you can add flowers, plants, or decorations for the sabbats. 

A besom can be crafted from a  large discarded branch. Gather dried grass or straw to attach to the end with twine.

The plants such as cedar or pine can be gathered and wrapped with twine to burn. 

Stones found in nature can also be made into blessings, runes, wishing stones, and decorate an altar. 

A wand can be made from a branch or stick, and with each decoration the energy is made more personal.

A Brigid's Cross is a more common example of a craft made from nature to celebrate a sabbat. 

Yule log's are another example of wildcrafting for a sabbat. By decorating the log we give our energy and blessings.

Shells can be used to decorate altars, or hung on strings to make windchimes.

Holly branches can be gathered in winter to hang above the bed until Imbolc.

Witch's balls are usually filled with things gathered in nature and hung up.

If you have a fruit tree near you, you can gather fruit to dry and make a garland. 

These are a few examples, there are many more out there and I highly recommend Pintrest as a site to start your search for Wildcraft.

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