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A witch's tools are very important, but again, your intention is your greatest tool. Humans have the power of will, these tools help that energy get going where it needs to be, and can even provide a boost for this work. Some seasoned witches can create things into being from sheer inner strength and will. Tools are a great way to start out for beginners if you are working with low energy or can't quite direct things as specifically as you'd like. You also can't really do all your work based out of your own energy all the time, it's exhausting. When you need a secondary source, the universe provides. It's like having a phone. You can shout as much as you want to your friend across the parking lot but it's tiring. They may hear you and understand you, it may very well work, but it would be much easier to call or send a text right? A phone has to be charged, and directed as well. You can't send a text into sheer internet space and expect a friend to find it. You have to set intention. Who is it for? What does it say? What does it mean? What is it's purpose? You can't make phone calls with a dead phone either. You have to put it on the charger. A phone also won't work with a cracked or dirty screen. Your tools must be charged, cleansed, and cared for. Never forget you have the voice that goes into the speaker and out the other end, or you can always scream from far away if you really have to. That's the best analogy I can think of anyway.

The athame- a blade concecrated for spell work

The besom- a broom or something similar used to sweep out (cleanse) unwanted energies

The bell- the bell can be a literal bell or a chime, the sound affects many magical entities and is most commonly known for warding

The cauldron- this can be a pot or bowl that is heat proof, used for burnings, spellwork, and collecting water

The wand- a staff rod or stick consecrated to direct magical energy, your spirit is the energy and the wand tells it which way to go

Your book of shadows- the book of where you record your studies, much like a notebook for a class subject

The candle- burning a candle of a color corresponds with what intention you put out, or spells you create

The herbs-ingredients used in spellwork, herbs can be storebought or home grown

The singing bowl- a bowl used to relieve stress, and ward off negativity, much like the bell

The pendulum-a piece on a string used over a board to communicate with entities

The runes-stones consecrated for lithomancy and charging

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