Tarot Basics

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Tarot reading, or as it's formally known, cartomancy, is the interpretations of cards used in divination. There are many forms of tarot decks, and other card decks that can be used in cartomancy. If you are unable to purchase a tarot deck, a regular poker deck may work for you, or you can always make your own. Oracle decks are a good place for beginners, or if you want something a little more straightforward.

There are 78 total cards. Within that there are 22 major arcana, and 56 minor arcana.

Minor arcana are separated into four symbols, each representing an element.





When a card is reversed it can sometimes have an altered meaning.

Pick a deck you feel a strong connection to. It is important to connect with your deck, so that you understand your deck when it shows you something. There is some sort of belief that a tarot deck must be given to you. While giving someone a tarot deck may be a very personal gesture that provides some specific messages, there is nothing wrong with buying your own. Tarot decks can be made, purchased, or given. Each have their own pros and cons. Buying your own allows you to connect with what you're drawn to. Making your own allows you to put your own energy into the deck with each card. Being given a deck may bring you closer to a person spiritually. There are sides to each, good and bad. Whatever you choose to work with should be what you feel is right for you.

Spend time with your deck, if all you have time for is one reading, try pulling one card a day. There are two and three card spreads as well.

Each card has a separate meaning for career, love, life, and other issues that may vary it is important to research each.

Keep in mind that the images on the card do not always translate literally. The death and devil card are often misconstrued in this way. If you draw a card it's more about how it makes you feel than what it says. If you are unsure, what it says is meant to help give you an idea. For example death is often used to represent fear of change, as most struggle with the idea of death, this is in itself a fear of change.

You will also need to charge, and cleanse your deck. This can be done with incense, crystals, visualizations, and there are many other options.

When working with your deck look through the cards and see what each card means to you, and what the definition of the card.

You can also get to know your deck better by interviewing your deck. Some examples of interview questions are: What can I can learn from you? How do you identify? How do I appear to you? What can I do to work better with you? What are your strengths? What can we accomplish together?

Please remember to speak to your deck, your deck doesn't know how to help if you don't talk to it. Speaking is giving your intention. The cards will speak back if you give them an idea of what you need help with.

Make sure to connect with your deck. You can sleep with your deck near your bed, under your pillow, or carry them with you. Familiarize yourself with them, and try to practice with them anytime you can.

Do not do readings if you are in an altered, or highly emotional state. This in turn will alter your reading.

You don't need to draw extra cards for explanation of what the spread says. You don't need clarification if you don't understand the spread, take note of what it was, meditate on it, and give it time. The reading will make sense when it is meant to , and how it is meant to .

There is no need to ask the same question multiple times. If you have an ongoing situation you need guidance for, I recommend doing a weekly reading for the scenario, unless the situation dictates otherwise specifically.

Always trust your intuition of a reading before taking advice of other, or any online explanation. If a card gives you a feeling it is meant this way. If something is trying to send a message to you, you have to be open to receiving it.

Spreads do not have to be complex, use what is easiest for you. If you are only comfortable pulling one card a day, that's a great way to start. You can always make your own spreads as well. For example: You may speak to your deck letting it know you need answers to prepare you for the day. What do I need to be aware of? What will I learn from it? Then drawing two cards, the first card answers the first question of your choice, and the second is the second question. You can research spreads if you need a specific answer, but remember you don't have to.

When you are shuffling a tarot deck any cards that fall out, or appear to jump out at you have a special purpose. If you are seeing a card multiple times while shuffling it may mean the card is trying to offer you a message as well.

When you start doing full spreads with multiple cards, remember to look at each card's meaning individually, then when the cards are all laid out, read them together as well.

A good way to determine the meaning of a reading is to take notes. Just like writing a journal, mark down each day what you see, feel, and what you drew. When you get into larger spreads it's easier to get lost in something that stands out abundantly, and miss the smaller details that help as well. So when you write each individual meaning you should include how you feel, and what the card traditionally represents. Then when you write the spread as a whole, you can do this as well, what the spread means, and how it feels. After this I would re-read the journal and write a paragraph on how I felt it applied. This helps keep track of so much, when you need to look back as a situation arises, you may have already seen it coming, and know what to do. Taking notes also helps beginners determine the meanings for each card to them, as every deck has it's own personality.

All in all, it's how it makes you feel. Remember to write down your readings, cleanse, and charge your decks.

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