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Sigils are a perfect example of how magic is based entirely out of yourself. Sigils are characters that you create from your own words, your own intentions, and even your own numerical influence. Sigils can be done anywhere, and I do mean anywhere. If you can draw on it, you can do a sigil. If you can make an impression on it, you can do a sigil. You can put sigils on your windows with dry erase marker, or your mirrors. You can draw sigils in the dirt in front of your house. You can paint sigils on anything you feel like painting. Sigils have their own individual meanings, no two are the same. You can use a sigil from someone else if you have their permission, and trust that the sigil that they have provided is what they say it is. It's best to make your own for best results. The sigil is made by writing out the words, or what you want to happen. For short let's say P R O T E C T I O N. Some choose to cross out vowels, some don't, do what suits you. So if I cut out the vowels it would look like this P R T C T N. Next we cross out the repeating letters. We get P R T C N. Now we do the numerical assignment for the alphabet. You write out the numbers one through nine, you can change this if you choose, and list the letters underneath. An example is:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9




It may not be perfectly linear but you can draw lines in between to separate the letters. This will prevent confusion. There is also a wheel guide online you can use if you choose to look it up instead of making your own. Next, you are going to take the letters we got from the intention listed, and translate them into numbers. P R T C N and we get 79235. Now we have to draw a circle, using the numbers one through nine. When drawing the circle you do not need to put numbers in order, place the numbers on the wheel where you feel they belong. Example:


5 2

1 7

4 6

8 3

Once you have a numerical circle, you can start in the middle. You will draw a line toward the number, then the next. If the number repeats you may do a loop, or go back to the middle and back to the number again, whatever feels right. The sigil is a symbol you create from your own intentions, so remember to do what feels right above what looks right. If you feel the need to put a dot somewhere, a loop somewhere, or squiggle the line a little, go with your feelings. The symbol you create is not a recognizable character like the the alphabet or numbers. It's something special and known only to you. The sigil once complete can be redrawn anywhere you want it. If you want a protection sigil in your car, put it on a key-chain, a mirror hanger, even trace it in the dirt on your windshield, although it may wash off. If you want to put a reflective sigil on your windows draw on them, dry erase works great for this, if your sigil starts to fade significantly, it's probably time to draw a new one. If you want to draw sigils of self love or beauty in your make up then blend it in, it still carries the intention. You can draw barrier sigils near the edges of your property to block energy, or bad intent. You can put sigils on your homework for luck, or better grades. You can put sigils on your book covers for concentration. Imagine you are able to put forth anything your heart desires to better your life. What would you draw? What would you draw it on? As with all things be mindful of what you put out and the reactions it may incur. You can draw sigils on your pets collar for protection, put sigils on the tags of your clothes, anywhere. You can put sigils in your wallet to draw in wealth, you could even put sigils on your food for health, abundance, or whatever you needed from that meal. It was common practice for children I knew to draw a sigil on their hand for courage, then 'swallow' the sigil to accept it. These small things we put out can mean so much more if we give them our intention meaningfully.

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