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Banishing is exactly what is sounds like. Do you have someone around you that you want out of your life? Be cautious when using this option as it can backfire, or happen in some off way. If this person will absolutely not leave you alone, if you've tried the return to sender options, if you've tried freezing them out, and you're just out of options this may be what you need. I urge you to try all other options first, but even still there are instances when this can be necessary. Try removing as many things about them or from them first. If you attempt to banish someone and part of them resides with you it may go with them, be mindful.

Banishing by balloon: You will need a balloon, paper, and anything this person has given you, that you need to dispose of. While this isn't the most eco friendly option, if it suits you do as ye will. Write the person's name on the paper, and anything you hold onto that ties them to you. Inflate the balloon and put the items inside. Take to an appropriae area and release. As you let the balloon go imagine your ties to this person as the string on the balloon as it fades into the distance.

When something has risen against you but you are uncertain of what this is something that may help you. You will need an iron hammer, a rusted nail, graveyard or crossroad dirt, a bag, and a smooth stone.  You have to hammer the nail against the stone to scrape it three times across the top. While you are doing this visualize the current issues you are facing. Take the stone far from your residence and bury it. Keep the nail in a bag with the crossroad or graveyard dirt.

Blood can be used to banish anyone harboring ill intent toward you, it is often used on doorknobs. This blood would have to be your own, not from an intentional injury. Blood magic is not recommended for beginners.

To banish someone with powder mix the following; black pepper, cayenne, cinnamon, sea salt, sulfur, and any other spices you feel led to add. Blend the powder well. Put who or what you wish to banish on a white sheet of paper with your intent on the back. Fold three times facing away from you. Burn the paper and mix the ashes with the powder. Sprinkle the powder at the start of your property or outside your door.

To get someone to leave you alone, as in someone talking to or about you negatively consider this. In a small waterproof bag mix the following; the name of the person intended on a piece of paper, cayenne pepper, black pepper, vinegar, cinnamon, and peppers if available. Tie the bag off and put at the back of the freezer. Do not remove from the freezer until it is complete. If you remove prematurely the intention has been broken. When the process is complete put the bag far from where you live and bury it.

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