Shadow Work

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Shadow work is looking inside yourself, and accepting all parts of yourself. This can lead to a more open, fulfilling life. When you can properly address your shadow self you can find the traits to use for your own personal growth. You have to begin with accepting that you are human. All humans are capable of mistakes, learning from those mistakes, and that everyone has a shadow. If you have a reaction that is unusual to people or events, you may be exhibiting shadow behaviors. Shadow behaviors can be called a negative emotional response. It can manifest as defensiveness, aggressive action, or refusal to accept change. The first step to accepting your shadow self is to ground yourself. Be one with yourself. Feel your spirit inside your body. Feel the difference between your spirit and mind. The next step is to choose how you see yourself. Think about the things that bother you about yourself. Think about the things you want to change about yourself. Think about anything you do or have done that you regret or want to do differently. What things can you change about yourself for the good? What things about yourself are you self conscious about that you need to learn to love? Love is an action, not a feeling. You may not feel the love for your inner self but the action of taking care of the things you need is an act of love. Take accountability for your actions and realize how your actions affect others. Get down to the bottom line of what's bothering you inside. Face it. Own it. Take control of it. Accepting something inside yourself is the first step to commanding it. When you are able to accept all parts of yourself, love all parts of yourself, and forgive all parts of yourself you have achieved the goal. Shadow work is something that will never truly be complete. It's a process to be worked through on a daily basis if necessary. Shadow work can be exhausting but this introspection is necessary for growth. Unresolved inner turmoil blocks your intuition and ability. Always challenge yourself to be better, even if it's just telling yourself you look nice today. Your body is a vessel, an altar, and a conductor. We give our tools blessings, with that in mind you should speak to yourself as if you were consecrating a tool. Your inner voice should be how you would speak to yourself as a child, kind, calm, and patient. Love yourself is easier said than done. Love is a verb. When facing your shadow self take note of the qualities good and bad. Notice these things in your day to day life and adjust them to your desired self. Most of all, be kind.

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