Crystal Basics

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Which crystals you choose to work with should be something you feel. A good way to start is to look at a crystal shop, or even somewhere online. Whatever you feel drawn to use, then research it's purposes, chances are, it's something you'll need.

Obsidian-Protection, truth, grounding, healing, self-reflection

Onyx-strength, stamina, confidence, self control, healing

Labradorite-inner strength, transforms negativity, perseverance, grounding, intuition

Tourmaline-grounding, cleansing, protection, removing negativity, shadow work

Hematite-concentration, willpower, stability, courage, trust, protection

Clear Quartz-amplifies energy, protection, cleansing, relieves pain, growth, harmony

Selenite-cleansing, charging other crystals, clarity, dispels negativity, helps with insomnia

Chalcedony-nurturing, kinship, spiritual harmony, generosity, turns sadness into joy

Howlite-creates an open mind, gentleness, reduce stress, absorbs negative energy, helps with insomnia

Amethyst-heals physical ailments, absorbs negative energy, cleansing, purification, removes unnecessary attachments

Lepidolite-soothing, reducing stress, releases psychological patterns gently, dissolves negativity

Azurite-relieves stress, removes anxiety, removes sadness, healing

Alexandrite-fortune, prosperity, balance, love

Citrine-removes anxiety, prosperity, success, removes leftover energies

Calcite-guidance, amplifies energy, healing, transforms ideas into actions

Carnelian-motivation, creativity, stability

Tiger's Eye-balance, removes anxiety, discernment, focus

Lapiz Lazuli-wisdom, truth, strength, courage, abundance, intuition

Angelite-peace, protection, connection with the higher self

Apatite-manifestation, truth, wisdom, removes sorrow and anger

Opal-stimulates visions, self worth, strengthen's memory, creativity

Fluorite-absorbs negativity, clarity, order, wisdom, balance

Serpentine-intuition, wisdom, regain memories, meditation, creativity

Topaz-prosperity, passion, fortune, healing, peace

Amber-fortune, balance, dissolves negative energy, patience, wisdom

Jasper-protection, absorbs negative energy, cleansing, grounding, justice, assert personal boundaries, remembering dreams, being honest with yourself

Aquamarine-healing, protection, meditation, peace, reduce stress,

Amazonite-fortune, success, calming,

Jade-purification, protection, gentleness, friendship, harmony

Peridot-strength, balance, health, creativity

Aventurine-love, harmony, abundance, leadership

Malachite-balance, abundance, manifestation, positive transformation

Garnet-manifestation, protection, clarity, self-confidence

Sardonyx-protection, happiness, optimism, confidence, self-control

Bloodstone-courage, purification, protection

Moonstone-inner growth, strength, stability, calmness, success

Sunstone-intuition, removes anxiety, vitality, independence, self confidence

Agate-balance, harmony, cleansing, concentration, fortune

Diamond-strength, healing, new beginnings, creativity

Ruby-energy, concentration, wisdom, loyalty, protection

Sapphire-abundance,clarity, integrity, wisdom, healing

Pearl-purification, protection, wealth, loyalty

Self cleansing stones; citrine, ruby, selenite, quartz, carnelian

Do not go in water;citrine, rose quartz, selenite, malachite, turquoise, azurite,

If it ends in 'ite' it probably shouldn't be in water. Always double check before attempting to put any crystal in water, as some may be toxic.

Do not work together; malachite and clear quartz, pearl and sapphire, emerald and ruby, sapphire and diamond, carnelian and agate

You should have a general idea that any crystal providing the opposite use of the other should not be used together, as they will cancel each other out.

Here is a short guide by what you may be looking for, rather than by crystals themselves:

Self-esteem; sunstone, rose quartz, lapis lazuli, red jasper, green aventurine, carnelian

Grounding; tiger's eye, smoky quartz, black tourmaline, obsidian, pyrite, hematite

Transformation; chrysocolla, malachite, howlite, moldative

Protection; black tourmaline, obsidian, amethyst, labradorite, smoky quartz, pyrite, selenite, clear quartz

Prosperity; moss agate, citrine, ruby, jade, tiger's eye, pyrite, topaz, aventurine

Love; rose quartz, moonstone, sodalite, selenite, garnet, pink tourmaline, emerald

Wisdom; amethyst, quartz, lapis lazuli, citrine, moonstone, amazonite, sodalite, labradorite, rose quartz

Please keep in mind this is a very short list of the many crystals out there, and is not in totality. There are many uses and properties of each, I recommend starting with what you're drawn to most, and reseach from there. Clear quartz is a good starter crystal because it can substitute for any other crystal. Selenite is another personal favorite that charges other crystals, but does not require charging itself. Please be mindful of what you are working with.

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