Clothing With Intent

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Everything we do carries symbolism. Every day when we choose our clothes based on our feelings, we may not realize our color choices affect our spirit. Every color correspondence is carried out even when it's something as basic as our socks. Many people choose to wear color specific clothes on sabbats. Some people choose to wear certain colors every day.

Color correspondences are simply:

Black-protection, remove negative energy, defense

White-purification, cleansing, clarity

Red-strong emotion or passion, power, motivation

Blue-mental clarity, renewal, peace, calming

Yellow-focus, memory, intelligence, uplifting

Green-prosperity, fortune, abundance, harmony

Orange-energy, creativity, attraction, stimulation

Pink-love, friendship, healing, emotions

Purple-justice, healing, psychic ability, intuition,

Brown-kinship, happiness, grounding, security, honesty

Gray-lunar cycles, manifestation, stability

The colors we wear translate to different meanings for spiritual purposes. How we choose to dress ourselves can be a simple form of manifestation, or protection. Dress for what you need, or for the sabbats. Do you have a pair of lucky socks? An outfit that just puts you on your game? Do you have a special clothing item that makes you feel something? Consider the color of it, and the intent you've given the item.

For extra strength in your clothing manifestation, you can add moon water to your laundry. This is also a great way for closeted witches to practice. If all you can do today is wear some green socks for good luck, that is good enough. You intent is your most powerful tool. If you want to make an outfit specifically for something, you can also add sigils to the tags in your clothes. You can keep sigils in your shoes by putting them in the soles or under the shoelaces. You can also inscribe sigils on your jewelry.

If you frequently wear jewelry, remember crystals hold great power, and can often be made into jewelry. If you have a desire to love yourself more, or attract love, perhaps a rose quartz necklace would help. Keeping crystals close to you can be difficult, but it's made twice as easy if you're wearing them. Some crystals have healing purposes, and can be worn to heal parts of the body as well.

If you are about to go into a situation that compromises your mental stability, or may affect you psychically, it may be a good idea to veil. Veiling is the act of covering part of your head to protect your mental energy. Have you ever met an energy vampire? Veiling is a simple way to prevent this. The most common act of veiling is choosing a bandanna with a color correspondence, or semblance of your choice. Protecting your mental sacred space can prevent emotional issues, and even against ill intent. If you are about to have to be around someone who has it out for you, consider veiling as an extra layer of protection. Some people veil when in the presence of deities, or when they do spiritual work as a sign of respect to the spirits. When, how, and if you veil is your decision.

You can use nail polish as another form of color manifestation. You can add sigils to the paint, or give your intent as you blow on them to dry. Consider the toenail polish to be something affecting everywhere you walk. Consider the nail polish you wear to be something affecting everything you touch. If you need a little extra boost, you can always mix up the colors, or do multiple colors to make exactly what you need. Be as creative as you want with this. 

So when you choose your outfit each morning, take some time to consider what it means. If you feel led to wear a certain shirt, or clothing item for luck, it probably means something. Follow your intuition. If you ever need that little bit of edge in your manifesting you may try adding a bit of color to your day. Bless. 

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