Shadow People

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This chapter may be controversial, so please keep in mind there can be many other explanations for this phenomenon and I recommend researching based on your own personal experiences. The information I am providing is based on my personal experience and study. There are many other conditions that can cause a similar experience, so please keep this in mind. 

Have you ever seen something in the corner of your eye? You swear it's a figure, but when you look it's gone. This is not when you think the coat on the rack is actually a person, it's a form in your peripheral that disappears when you turn back around. You can almost make out its details if you just turn quick enough. The silhouette always seems to escape you. 

Ask yourself some questions before you make the assumption that it is in fact a shadow person. Is the form familiar? Does it resemble an entity you work with? Does it look human? Are its features human-like? Does it look like anyone you know? Does it have a specific or recurring form? 

If the form resembles someone you know, an entity you work with(spirit guide, deity, ancestor) it's possible this is a spiritual presence. If it has a recurring form take note of what features it does have to narrow it down. If the features change it's likely something of the spiritual realm that could very well just be passing through. If the form is recurring it's important to find out the purpose of this being to ensure it has no ill-intent. 

Once you're certain this apparition is not someone you typically work with, or someone who's presence is expected, the term shadow person may come to mind. A shadow person is the generalization of a unexplained figure. The figure could be someone human looking, something other-worldly, or demonic. Demons presence are felt strongly and can have the ability to interact with the physical realm. Spirits usually appear, observe, and dissipate. There are also times that a human can astral project so densely they are able to be sensed by those around them. You will hear many stories of red eyed people with black bodies, or hollow black eyes and white bodies. These are not what I am referring to. 

A demon will make it's presence well known by sensory, and spiritual affliction. A spirit will just appear for what is necessary and may not be able to physically interact. Spirits may also remain in your field of vision even when facing them. I have no specifics of spiritual etiquette, but when a spirit makes it's presence known I simply acknowledge them by looking in their direction, not necessarily at them, and return to what I was doing. Much like you would someone entering the bus, look up, ensure that you don't need to leave your seat to make room, and just take notice of the other person boarding the bus, when they have taken their seat or it seems that your attention is unnecessary return to what you were doing. Sometimes spirits like to be known, physical manifestations can be a lot of work so if they are trying to make an impression take notice. If not, sometimes it's rude to stare, if you know what I mean. Spirits are not good or bad, often they are departed, human like us, with the same mannerisms and intent. I often tell my daughter spirits are like anyone you see in the store, some people are dangerous, some people are friendly, and most people don't require your attention. We are all just passing through essentially. 

Demons are usually brought about by some sort of ill will, or a direct summoning. If you have not had any dark interactions recently I would not concern yourself with a few sounds here and there. Our house has been occupied since the 70's, and I don't mean by a family. There have been many spirits that pass through, and some that assert themselves. We have a specific basket weave chair that came with the house. Every morning around 7 it creaks like someone has just sat down. We later came to know this was an elderly man sitting down to read every morning. He doesn't bother anyone, he doesn't knock things over, he just makes it known that he would like to sit there in the morning by physical manifestation. To me that's normal, we all just get used to things like that. People often panic over the unexplained sounds, and movement. To me, this is leftover energy, or spiritual manifestation of someone who simply had something to do. No different than me going into the kitchen for a cup of tea. Often my husband says he can feel his mother when he stands by the window, and once he felt her presence so strongly he became upset. His mother passed away several years ago, her presence is felt throughout the house very strongly. It's comforting, sometimes we can smell her perfume, or just a gentle hand. Our daughter has stated on many occasions that while she misses her Nana very much, she visits her, and is often awoken by the smell of her perfume. Sometimes this makes her sad because she misses her grandmother, and sometimes it comforts her. My point is, spirits are not just monsters as films can portray. Spirits can be a source of comfort, a friend, a parent, or even a guide. The moment you start hearing sounds in your home do not jump to the conclusion that all spirits are demonic. 

Demonic presence can be felt, they can attack, move things, cause sickness, and make you tired. There are many ways to exorcise demons, or to tell if your household is being afflicted by one. Remember not to panic, a demon can often feed on your emotions. Recognizing that a lot of negativity, sickness, sadness, or bad luck comes from a specific source is a great first step to taking back control. I recommend seeking professional advice if you need help with demons, or a demon removed. It is not wise for anyone unfamiliar with demons to interact with them. 

It's also important to keep in mind that there are many other things out there that we cannot put a specific name on. There are spirits that have no human attachment, and are not good or bad. There are fae, fair folk, little people, brownies, many representations depict other worldly creatures. If your apparition has a specific non-human form, try researching what it looks like to identify the source.

The main piece of advice I have for seeing things that aren't quite always there; remain calm, assess the apparition, research, identify, and determine if action is necessary. If no action is necessary, live and let roam. Spirits can't be contained in their physical forms as humans, not every apparition is a demon, and not every demon is a monster. Demon work is for professionals. Lastly, you're not crazy for having a spiritual experience. Bless.

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