Started out like in the movies but it ended like a bad dream

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Clara's POV

I woke up to someone shaking me not so nicely. Rude. I look up to see Peyton towering over me. I remember what happened and why I'm here. UGH why do I forget things oh so easily.

" The plane landed GET UP!!!" He shakes me violently. I get out of my seat and grab my carry on and walk out of the plane with Peyton trailing behind me. I grab my tiny suitcase and try and find Luke. I see a sign that says CLARA JACOBS!!!! With a Luke holding it. I run over to him. Peyton walking behind. I give Luke a hug and he hugs back. He nods at Peyton questioning why he is here. Luke has an angry look in his eye. Peyton just looks sad and guilty. I just shake my head, wave bye to Peyton and pull Luke toward the car park.


I walk in my house after telling/typing Luke to go home and I'll call him. He nods and pulls out of the driveway. I use my spare key to get in the house. I am almost knocked over by the strong smell of alcohol.

" Julia is that you?" I hear my dad slur.
" No dad it's just me." I respond and walk into the kitchen. My dad picks up a vodka bottle and throws it at my leg, missing my head. I start visibly shaking as he walks over to me.

Pain ~•~ Peyton MeyerWhere stories live. Discover now