Chapter 8 | I know what to do

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Elsa P.O.V

I know what to do. I remember the emergency knife I have, in case I get attacked ( it has happened before) and grab it.

I position it over my wrist getting ready to cut myself. And I forgot to tell that Hans had stripped me down to my panties and bra. I wasn't bothered putting my clothes back on.

Swiping my hand holding the knife in a quick motion, I felt the openings of the skin, made by the blade. Ahhh. It felt so good. It was like all of the pain leaked out through the cuts. I cut myself on my wrists and neck and I couldn't stop until I thought about Anna. Anna...she can't live without me protecting her. I'm like her second mother.

Then, I let go of the knife. It slides down, cutting my thigh.

I moan in pleasure from the cuts. I lean across the door, starting to sleep. It's only when everything turns black, that I remember I was supposed to hang out with the gang...

Jack P.O.V.

I wonder what's taking Elsa so long. Quickly, I tell Anna that I will go to her dorm to check on her. Anna gives me permission, so I go to her dorm.

Arriving outside of her dorm, I see a pool of blood, coming out under the door but from Elsa's room. I rush in and see Elsa lying down on the floor, stripped, covered in blood and with a knife in her hand.

Immediately, I call Anna and tell her to come over to Elsa's room. When she arrives, she sees me on the floor, hugging Elsa and cleaning the floor.

Anna P.O.V.

I ran to Elsa's dorm. She was stripped and covered in blood. Who did this to her? I'm about to ask her who cut her when I realise that she cut herself. She's holding her emergency knife.

No. No. No. "Elsa?" I say, making sure is just sleeping. She wakes up and sees me and Jack.

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