Jay x Harry: Denial 4 + 1

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The first person to notice that something weird was going on between Jay and Harry was Carlos. Jay was his best friend and he knew him really well, so he could tell when something was going on. Carlos was also very attentive, he had to be for where he came from. Being raised on the isle didn't allow for you to be wandering alone without a care in the work. You always had to be alert and aware. So needless to say, Carlos could tell that Jay and Harry weren't being normal.

His suspicion was first conceived at tourney practice. They were finishing up another practice and Carlos was waiting for Jay to come out of the locker room. Carlos was waiting on the field for an extra 10 minutes after practice. Jay would be late sometimes, but never this long. If wasn't going to be able to make it, he would either tell Carlos beforehand or text him. Never has Jay just ditched him though. To say Carlos was a little concerned would be an understatement. The barrier may have been dropped and everyone was integrating well together, but that doesn't mean there aren't a few bad eggs. He decided to go looking for Jay just to make sure he was okay.

He checked the locker room, the cafeteria, and their room. His mind started to make all sorts of scenarios in his head, but instead of sitting and pondering on that, he went to see if Gil and Harry have seen him. Carlos all but ran to their dorm room. Instead of knocking, he just let himself in because they're all that close. He swings the door open and surprise-surprise, there was Jay. Except he wasn't gaming with Gil or sitting on the floor while he and Harry try to explain something simple to Gil. No, he wasn't doing any of that. What he was doing was laying in bed with Harry. They were pressed up against each other and the bed was fairly large. The was no reason for them to be that close together. When they noticed they weren't alone anymore they kept apart.

"Carlos haha, what are you doing here?" Jay's voice was laced with hostility. Carlos was taken aback by this because Jay never spoke to him like that before.

"I came looking for you since you, you know, ditched me on the tourney field" It was Carlos's turn to be hostile now. Jay's the one who ditched him, not the other way around. Jay looked guilty and Harry had an apologetic expression on his face.

"Sorry Los, that was my fault. I asked Jay to hang out after practice and we got distracted." Carlos couldn't be mad at Harry. He's too nice for him to be mad at him now.

"It's whatever. I'll leave you guys alone. I'm gonna go hang with Mal and Ben. Later!"


Contrary to popular belief, Gil isn't stupid. He's actually really intelligent. Once getting into Auradon prep Gil was able to get a proper education. He took the information in fairly easily. Gil is, unfortunately, socially dumb. The actual term for it is socially inept. Social cues fall short on him. He's not good at understanding sarcasm or reading a room. But even he could tell something strange was going on between Harry and Jay. They were spending more time than usual together. The two of them would go off doing who knows what together.

Now Gil isn't one to soften the truth, so he makes a plan to confront them. For this to work though, they needed to be caught together. Which wouldn't be too hard since they're usually together. The biggest thing would be finding where they are. So he set off on a solo expedition. He went everywhere he thought they would be. The first stop was the tourney field. The two would often be found running around and playing on the field together. Not playing as in practicing tourney, playing as in chasing each other around. It was so well known by all of them that they would meet up by the field and chat until Jay and Harry decided to join them. That's what Gil expected to see when he got to the field, but it was empty.

He figured that since they weren't there, then the next logical place would be the enchanted lake. They all spend a lot of time basking in the waters or having picnics on the lakeside. The lake felt like it washed away more than just spells, it was like it washed off all of their negative emotions. It was as therapeutic as you could get.

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