Jay x OC: Vacation Part 2

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Aziz's POV

We all exit the limo with our luggage and bags. We walk inside the airport through the sliding glass doors of the north entrance. We go to the front desk where a lady was sitting there with a smile on her face.

"Hello children, how may I help you?" She said in a customer service voice. Her eyes scanned over our group when she spots something that made her eyes widen. "Oh my, King Ben. My my, what brings you here." She states in awe. Ben steps up and walks up to the desk.

"We are all going on a trip to Agrabah." He pulled out his first-class plane ticket.

"Yes, of course, we will get you all boarded right now." She pulls out a radio and starts talking to it. She gestures for us to follow her as she leaves her desk and starts walking through the hallway. We all grab hold of our bags and hurry after her. She leads us through one of the terminals. She walks us out to one of the jets and boards us on.

"This private Jet is exclusively for the king. Whenever he needs to go somewhere, this is available for him. I already let the pilot know that you're going to Agrahbah and if you need anything during the flight, the attendant will bring it to you. Now please take a seat anywhere you want." She then exits the plane. I look and see that there are two seats next to each other with another pair of seats facing them with a table in-between. I grab Jay's arm and drags him to the table before he can protest. I put my bag in the overhead bin and sit in the window seat. He does the same and sits next to me. Gil and Harry sit in front of us. It's an 8-hour flight from here to Agrahbah. Time to get comfortable. I snuggle into Jay's side and rest my head on his shoulder. I wanted it to be all cutesy and stuff, but his hair got in my face and mouth so I had to move. I rest my head in my hand and zone out while staring out the window. I watch as the sky slowly changed from blue to hues of oranges, yellows, and pinks. And eventually to dark blues and blacks. The feeling of a head resting on my shoulder pulled me away from my thoughts. I move my head enough to look at the person without disturbing them. Of course, it was Jay. I look around the rest of the cabin and everyone was asleep. I check my watch and it is 10:43 p.m. We left at 8. I figured that sleep is a great option. I take the blanket I had stuffed by my side and spread it out over both of us. I rest my head on top of his and slowly drift off to sleep.

I wake up with the feeling of lightly being shaken. I slowly open my eyes and they meet with a pair of brown eyes staring right at me. I try to look away and break eye contact, but I can't. I'm not sure what is. I try to say something, but I can't. I hear someone calling my name. It echos in my head until I can hear it clearly and I snap out of whatever trance I was in.

"Y-yeah, what?" I realize I was staring into Jay's eyes. I don't know why I couldn't look away before. It was like... magic. I look over at Mal who was conversing with Evie and give her a quick glare. She shrugs her shoulders and goes back to speaking. I look back at Jay with a smile.

"We just landed, we're getting off in a few." I turn and look outside the window at the grand land of Agrahbah. My home. The time zones are different here so it's like 9 a.m. I get to see my parents. I don't even realize I'm bouncing up and down in my seat until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to Carlos and continue bouncing up and down.

"I can't wait to show you guys around. It's gonna be SO cool." I said it loud enough so everyone could hear. "You two," I point to Mal and Ben. "Have already been here. But the rest of you get to be surprised by the grand tour." I open my arms outward and wiggle my fingers. I receive some laughs from the group. The flight attendant tells us we can leave and we exit the plane. I grab what I have and rush out of the plane. I was the first one out. It feels nice to be back home. As much as I love Auradon, Agrahbah will forever be where my heart is. I take a deep breath of the fresh, sandy air. Just like I remember. I rush my way through the minimal security, grab my bag, and wait outside for the others. I may or may not have left them behind. I got a little too excited. I make a call to get us a ride to get us to the palace. Agrahbah has gotten a few roads since being integrated into the United States of Auradon. Including one to the royal palace. The others walked through the doors just as the dark red limo pulled up in front of our gate. "Come on slowpokes, we got sights to see!"

"Okay Aziz, I love your enthusiasm, but you gotta calm down," Mal says like she's uneasy about my happiness. She usually is. I roll my eyes before leading them to the limo. We slowly file in while the driver took our bags and put them in the trunk. The driver returns to his seat at the front of the car and starts the journey. We converse as the car makes its way through the city. We continue to talk and laugh until we complete our journey and stop right in front of the palace gates. We all exit the limo and the others are in awe. Except for Mal and Ben who have been here before. They still seem impressed as it is an astonishing sight. The driver removes our bags from the trunk and gives them back to us. I walk in front of the gates and turn around to face my friends.

"Now, who's ready for a tour.

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