Jay x Harry: Lunch

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Requested By: CamiHolland115

Jay's POV

"Jay, if you don't hurry up, I'm going to tourney practice without you." I hear Carlos yell from the Dorm bedroom. I quickly pull my beanie over my head and rush through the bathroom door. I see Carlos standing in front of the door with the doorknob in his hand.

"It's about time." He says with an exasperated tone and expression. We quickly speed walk to the tourney field. We set our bags down on the bleachers and get our gear. We hurry out onto the field and line up with the rest of the team. Chad walks onto the field with Harry walking next to him. They stop in front of us, with Harry standing a little behind Chad.

"Okay, we have a new Turney member to fill Ben's spot. Harry, will you step up please." Harry steps up next to Chad. He has on a sleeveless, school colored shirt that shows off his biceps. He has a duffle bag slung over his shoulder that most likely holds equipment and clothes. Harry gives us all a small wave. Ever since Harry left the isle and came to Auradon, he's been a lot more mellow and shy. Chad ushers him in line with the rest of us. He quickly comes next to me.

"What happened to tourney being, 'A wee boy's game'," I asked him in a playful manner. He shoots me a glare and a smirk. Chad blows his whistle and we start practice.

Time Skip

I was in the locker room packing my bag when Harry approached me. He walked up behind me and stood there. I turn away from my locker and look at him. He seemed a little uncomfortable and looked down at the floor while shifting foot to foot. He had the strap of his bags gripped tightly in his hands. I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Hey Jay, would you maybe want to grab lunch with me? I wanted to grab a bite before settling down back to my dorm." He asked me. His speaking has improved a lot since he's been in Auradon. He still has his signature accent, but he speaks without the pirate language now. He still can, he just chooses not to. I realize that I've just been staring at him. I give my head a small shake to clear my thoughts and tell him yes. He looks up at me and smiles. "Meet me at the corner of 5th and Enchanted." He says while walking to the exit. Turn back to my locker and quickly finish packing my bag. I run back to my dorm and put on some fashionably evil clothes. I stroll down to where Harry told me to meet him. I see him at the corner wearing his usual pirate attire. He had his hands behind his back, and he was staring forward at the park. I jog up next to him and tap him on the shoulder. He jumped a little at the sudden contact. He turned and his face lit up when he saw me.

"You came." He said in a cheerful manner.

"I said I would, didn't I?"

"You did."

"Now, where's this lunch you were talking about?" Harry takes hold of my hand and pulls me along with him. We continue to walk until we stop in front of a friendly-looking bakery. We walk inside and I'm immediately hit with the smells of fresh bread and baked goods. It's soft lights and welcoming interior are an instant change from what I'm used to. I've gotten used to the constant bustling of life and taking it slow for a little is a pleasant change. We walk up to the counter, which had no one manning it.

"Hello!" Harry called out over the counter. A man then pops up from under the counter.

"Hi there." The man said with a smile. "What can I get for you."

"Hi, can we get a pepperoni pizza please." Harry asked the man.

"Of course, anything for the cute couple. It'll be ready in about 20 minutes." The man then goes to the back to prepare the food. I contemplate what he meant by "the couple" until I realize that Harry and I are still holding hands. I look down at our intertwined fingers and so does Harry. He blushes.

"Oh, sorry." He says as he goes to pull his hand away. I reach out and grab his hand, putting our fingers together again.

"It's okay, I like it." I assure him. I pull him to one of the tables by the window. We sit down across from each other and just talk. We have an easy, flowing conversation. We continue on until the guy calls us for our pizza. I grab the box and Harry tugs on my arm.

"Come on, I know I nice place to eat. Follow me." He tells me. I walk closely behind him as he leads me out of the bakery and through the streets to the park. We walk through the trees and find this big rock at the edge of a lake. Not the enchanted one, just a regular lake. We sit down with the pizza between us and eat. The pizza was amazing, that bakery just made a customer for life. We continue to eat in a comfortable silence. We eat half of the pizza before stopping.

"So, just lunch huh Harry." I tell him. His face goes a scarlet red out of embarrassment. "It's okay, I'm glad it's not just lunch." I say while looking out at the water. I turn to face him, and he has the biggest smile plastered across his face. I start to lean in and give him a peck on the lips. He jumps forward and gives me a full-on kiss and of course I kiss back. After a few seconds, we pull away from each other.

"You should've invited me to lunch a lot sooner."

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