Descendants GF: Jay x Harry: Soulmates

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Jay's POV

In a land of magic and whimsey, you would think I would have a little more faith. Tomorrow is my 18th birthday which means that I get my soul mark. I've seen many friends and family of mine get their soul marks and fall in love. Some don't get them at all and still believe they've found their soulmate. And some get their marks and choose not to be with their soulmates. The whole concept is just fucked. How am I just expected to be with this person the universe says is for me. I most likely won't be trying to get with my soulmate. So tonight I go to bed 17 and tomorrow I wake up an adult with a possible partner. Fun.

I woke up the next morning with a tingling sensation on my left arm. I already knew what it was and I dreaded looking at it. Why couldn't I be one of the people that don't get a mark? As much as I want to just pretend it doesn't exist, I have to at least see who it is. So, I rolled up my sleeve and looked down at the name permanently marked on me. Harry Hook. Harry?! Out of all people it had to be my best friend. Harry's birthday isn't for another month so it's not like I can hide this for long. I have to tell him but... I don't know how to. I'm going to do it today though. We're always honest with each other and I know he's gonna ask. He's your best friend Jay. Your straight best friend. He'll understand, right?

I'm so fucked. I'm SO fucked. How am I gonna do this? This is my best friend, my only friend actually. If I mess this up it's over. I'll have nothing. My only mission is to save my friendship. And if anything more than a friendship happens then that works too. I just got to school and went to meet with Harry at our usual spot. AKA the tourney bleachers. When I walked up I was presented with a cupcake that had orange and yellow frosting.

"Happy Birthday Jay!" He cheered. I'm gonna be honest, this is one of the best birthday surprises I've ever gotten. Actually, it's one of the only. My parents don't care enough to remember my birthday. They were out of the house before I even left my room this morning. Before I met Harry, I never really had a birthday. And I only met Harry last year.

"Thanks, Harry, this means a lot." I can see why the universe would want us to be together. Harry is amazing. He's everything anyone could ever want in a partner. He pulled a candle and lighter out of his pocket. The candle was set atop the cupcake and it was lit up.

"Make a wish." He said with that dastardly smile on his face. So I did. I wished that my soul mark wouldn't ruin anything that I have with Harry. This friendship is the best thing I have in my life and I'm not letting a magic tattoo ruin it. When the candle was out I opened my eyes to clapping. Harry looked so giddy and excited. "Now, I can't ask what you wished for, buuuuuuut, I can ask if you got your soul mark. I have been waiting all night to know." And there it is. The thing I've been dreading since I found that stupid thing.

"Yeah, I did." We stood silently for a few seconds. I took a bite out of the cupcake after throwing the candle away. Harry took it out of his back pocket and I'm not eating ass wax.

"Well don't just stand there, show me!" He looked as if he was a second away from grabbing my wrist and looking himself. So I prayed to whatever being was in charge of this fuck ass mark and pulled my jacket sleeve back. As soon as I did Harry grabbed my wrist and stared at my arm. It felt like an eternity of him looking at it. I looked out at the field because I couldn't stand to see the look on his face.

"That's my name. I'm your soulmate?" There was hesitance in his voice. "Jay if this is some kind of prank-" I cut him off because I would never do something like that. Especially not to him.

"No, it's not. According to the universe, you're my soulmate."

"And how do you feel about it." Okay, character development. What did he just ask me? How do I feel about this? Well at first I was horrified and now the only thing I can think about is making out with my best friend. But, I have to play this cool.

"At first I was scared but, I'm not totally averse to the idea of you being my soulmate. If you're not then that's totally fine. We can just forget about it." Harry respond by taking the half-eaten cupcake out of my hand and setting it on the seat. Then, he put his hands on both sides of my face, leaned in, and kissed me. I kissed back because I'm weak for Harry Hook apparently. The kiss was everything I could've asked for. It was slow, passionate, and filled with caring energy. Maybe this soulmate thing isn't as bad as I thought. If it leads me to doing things like this with the super attractive and sweet Harry Hook, then I'll take it.

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