Jay x Ben: Truth or Dare

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Ben's POV:

We had just won another Tourney game and we were celebrating. We threw party in one of the ballrooms. The was food, games, booze. We were all drunk, stoned, and stupid. There were no adults supervising the party, so we did whatever we wanted. I was in the corner drinking with Jay, Carlos, Harry, and Gil.

"Hey guyssss. Let's play truuuth or DARE" Harry said drunkenly.

"Your ooooonnn." Carlos replied, also drunk.

"Wooooo" Jay and Gil cheered. They were all really wasted, while I only drank a cup of wine. Needless to say, I was relatively sober. We all gathered around and sat in a circle.

"Harry, truth or dare?" Gil asked

"Dare! I ain't no biiiiitch." Harry replied.

"Alright Harry, I dare you to go over there and give Chads ass a BIG OLD SMACK."

"That's it? Childs play!" Harry yelled. He got up and wobbled over to where Chad was leaning on a table. He pulled his hand back really far and I realized drunk truth or dare may not be the best idea. Harry's hand forcefully smack Chad hard in the arse.

"IN THE NAME OF AURADON WHY!" Chad yelled at the top of his lungs. Harry laughed and ran back over to us. We all laid on the floor, completely overtaken by laughter. We started to regain our composure. Jay got up and sauntered over to bring a bottle of more alcohol. He sat down and we continued the game.

"Carlos, truuth or dare." Harry spills out

"Truth." Carlos Responds.

"Biiiitch!" Jay Slurs

"Okay Carlos, is it truee that you *snickers* fucked Chad in the locker r-o-o-o-om." Harry says through laughter.

"You better fucking believe it's true." Carlos takes a swig from the bottle, "Some of the best sex I've had." I crack up and take a sip of my wine. "Okay Jaaay. If I'm such a bitch, then truth or dare."

"Dare" Jay said proudly.

" I dare youuuu, to KISS BEN." Carlos says with a mile long smile plastered on his face. I look over at Jay and his face is beet red. I start to blush too. He takes a deep breath and takes a large gulp of alcohol. He gets up and crashes his lips into mine. I feel it all: sparks, butterflies, fireworks you name it. He breaks away and is even redder than before, which seemed impossible. I feel dazed and happy. The game continues and soon enough everyone is leaving the party. I turn from the snack table to see Jay stumbling through the ballroom doors. I start to walk towards him and I see him start falling. I run over to him and catch him before he hits the ground. I think of the possibilities and decide to take him back home with me. I'll get him cleaned up and in bed to keep him safe.

Time Skip

Jay's POV:

I woke up with a splitting headache. I crack my eyes open, but quickly close them due to the light trickling through the curtains. I open my eyes slowly and look to my left to check on Carlos. He wasn't there. In fact his bed wasn't there. I sit up completely and realize that I'm not in my dorm. I lift up the sheets to see if I had pants on and I did. I let out a sigh of relief. I was about to get up when the door to the room opened. I see Ben step in. OH GAWD WHAT AM I DOIN IN BEN'S BED?!

"Good, you're awake." He said in is sweet voice.

"Yeah, but um... how do I say this? Not to be rude or anything but, why am I in your bed?" I question.

"You don't remember?" He asked. I shook my head at him.

"Well, after we won the game we threw a party. You and everyone else got blackout drunk and you passed out on your way home. You don't remember the actual Party do you?" He questioned.

"No, everything is really fuzzy and blurry. Why? Wait, did I do something embarrassing?" I panicked.

"Actually we kissed. A-and I kinda liked it." He said with the prettiest smile.

"Well if it was so good, let's do it again so I'll remember this time." And with that he leaned in and our lips met.

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