Jay x Harry: Exposed

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Jay's POV

It's been a few weeks since Harry and I's first date and I could not be happier. We've told our friends already, but we haven't really gone public yet. We're gonna do it... eventually. It's not that we're not ready, it's just that we don't want other people's opinions to weigh on our relationship. Plus coming out *shutters*.

"Hey, Jay." Carlos greeted me, freeing me from my inner turmoil.

"Oh, hi Carlos. What's up?"

"Well, everyone is meeting up to go to the mall. Wanna come?"

"Um...I don't know."

"Harry's gonna be there."

"What time are we leaving?" Carlos smiled, clearly happy he could win me over so easily.

"We're leaving in 20." He said as he walked away. I quickly ran to the bathroom and took a shower. I put on my usual clothes and grabbed my bag. I then sprint out the door. "JAYYYY!" Then I turn back because I forgot Carlos.

We arrive at the mall and it was huge. There were like 4 floors and is was amazing. They didn't have anything like this on the isle. I looked over at Carlos and he was in awe. There were so many different stores in here. I hear my phone ding and pull it out without looking. It's a text from Mal saying they're in something called Starbucks.

"Carlos, come on." He turns to look at me. "They are in Starbucks, whatever that is." He shrugs his shoulders.

"How do we get there?" He asked me. I point to the giant, glowing map in front of us. We walk up to it and look through all the categories until we found it in food and drink. It was down the corridor to our right and on the second floor. We walked down to where the map told us to go. We casually talk as we go up the escalator to the second floor. When we reach the top we see a coffee shop with the name "Starbucks" written in bold green letters across the top. We walked inside and immediately spot the group in the corner of the coffee shop. Sitting in the corner was Ben, Mal, Evie, Harry, Gil, and Uma. We wave to them but get in the line for coffee before approaching. When we get to the front, I ordered a Vanilla Frappuccino and Carlos ordered a Caramel Macchiato. We walked to the table while we waited for our drinks to be served. I sat next to Harry and gave him a little peck. I greet everyone else with waves and pleasantries. We all talk until I hear my name called for the coffee. I get up and grab the coffee from the barista and thank him. I return to my seat and hand Carlos his coffee. Harry and I kiss again when I hear a shutter sound.

"What was that?" I asked the group quietly.

"What was what?" Uma responded to my question with another question. The shuttering noise sounds again when I cuddle up to Harry. Harry turns and looks at me with concerned eyes.

"Look over there." He whispers to me while nudging his head slightly towards the entrance. I look over and see a camera lens peeking around the corner, pointing straight at Harry and me.

"Camera." I whispered to the table.

"What?" Evie asked.

"Camera!" I say louder while tapping Harry on the arm. They all look over to the entrance. The cameraman sees this and takes off running. We all book after him. I spot him running down the stairs and I followed him by sliding down the handrails. I couldn't see him anymore and turn to my left and see Carlos and Gil running after him. I immediately go after them and I hear my friends rushed footsteps behind me. Carlos, Gil, and the Cameraman round the corner, and I speed up. I turn the corner and see them running through the exit. The camera guy gets into a car and drives away. I stand the curb in disbelief. When I was on the isle, no one cared if I lived or died. Now I'm gonna have my business published who knows where. But I'm not sad about this at all, oh no. I'm Completely and utterly enraged. I am fuming and seething with anger. I am not mad for me though, I upset for Harry. He doesn't deserve to be forced out of the closet. I'm publicly bisexual and around of it, but Harry has yet to disclose his homosexuality to anyone but us. I turn around and he's dumbfounded. I see tears threaten to fall from his eyes at any moment. I calmly walk up to him and wrap him in a tight hug. I feel him shaking as he starts to break down in my arms. I hear his sobs and all I can do is hug him tighter and place small kisses on his neck, cheek, and forehead. I whisper assurances into his ear to try and calm him. In this time, Ben had called a limo and it pulled up in front of us. I lead Harry inside and he rests his head on my lap when we sit down. He's not crying anymore, but I can hear little sniffles coming from him. I run my fingers through his hair to calm him down.

"We have to do something," I state, breaking the silence.

"There's nothing we can do," Mal said. "They have photos, we can't stop them from being plastered all over the internet."

"There has to be something, are we just gonna let them force Harry to come out." I say, getting progressively louder.

"Jay," Harry spoke in his sadness filled voice. "It was going to happen eventually." I felt my heartbreak in my chest seeing him like this. I let my repressed tears fall from my eyes.

"I'm sorry Harry. I should've been more careful. Then you wouldn't be in this mess." He flips over to look me in my eyes. I feel his blue eyes pierce my soul as he reads me easily and clearly.

"Hey, you don't have to apologize for kissing me. And you're in this too, we're in this together. As long as I have you, and those idiots,"

"I resent that statement," Uma spoke. Harry turns to her.

"Do you deny it?" He asked.

"No, but I resent it." Laughter is heard throughout the car. Harry turns back to me.

"As long as we have each other, we will be fine." He sits up and wraps me in a hug. I hug him back.

"Hey, Ben," Mal called to her significant other. He responds with little noise. "Where are we going?" She asked with threatening eyes.

"Uhhhh." He looks out the window. "Evie's starter castle apparently." I feel the car come to a complete stop.

"Are you telling me you didn't tell the driver where to go?" Evie questioned. Ben looks between her and Mal repeatedly. He then decides to open the door and run out of the car. I see him run inside the building and close the door behind him. Mal, Evie, Uma, Carlos, and Gil run out of the car, yelling at him. Harry and I walk out of the car. We were walking to the door when I felt my phone vibrate. I pull it out of my pocket and I have a notification for a new article. The headline reads," Jay and Harry Hook, the kingdom's new favorite couple." I smile. I expected them to try to slander us but they were praising us for being who we are in not being afraid to show it. I give the phone to Harry and watch his attitude brighten up.

"See, I told you everything was gonna be fine." He said as he handed my phone back to me. I shake my head at him and open the front door. As we enter, I see a pillow hit the wall next to me. I look and see Gil, Carlos, and Ben throwing and dodging pillows from Mal, Evie, and Uma. Harry picks up the pillow and looks at me with a devilish smile.

"Harry, let's talk about this," I say with fear in my voice. He swings at me, but I duck and run. "I thought you loved me." He follows close behind me.

"I do, but this is much more fun." He tackles me to the floor, landing on top of me. We kiss on the floor and the others surround us.

"This is a war not love," Gil says in a deep voice. They then proceed to pelt us with pillows.

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