Ben x Chad: I'll Always Be Here

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(A/N): This chapter contains the use of the f-slur so please be careful reading. This one's a little sadder but I hope it's just as good. Peace!

"You can call me whenever you want... Even if you don't have a reason to."

Ben's POV

Chad has been acting strange lately. No, strange is not the word. More... down I would say. I'm not sure what's up with him. And I know that I'm not the only one that's seen it either. Everyone could tell that something was up with him. And I know this because as soon as he started acting down all of his shallow friends started to pull away from him. The only ones that really hang out with him are Audrey, Uma, Mal, Jay, Carlos, Harry, Gil, and Me. All of the other Auradon kids that once circled around him dropped him like a used condom or something, I don't know I've never had sex.

That's all beside the point though, the point is that I'm worried. He seemed so detached lately and he barely talks anymore. When we Invite him to hang out he usually says no. When he does come through there's usually little interaction. I have to find out what's going on with him because it seems like no one else will. We've all asked when we're together but I feel like that puts too much pressure on him. If I'm gonna ask I need to do it alone. First I have to go to him. I made sure that my royal calendar was freed up so I could have as much time as I wanted to talk to him. The limo is currently taking me from the castle to the dorms so I can speak to him. I know he's there because that's usually where he's holed up. His parents pay for a private dorm for him because he's a prince and all. Since I entered the limo in the castle driveway, my mind has been running all over the place. There are so many ways this could backfire or go wrong. I just want what's best for Chad. God, I sound like a mom. I wonder if his parents have noticed anything?

The car stopped outside of Auradon Prep so I thanked the driver and left the car. The building that normally filled me with joy to step into now filled me with a slight sense of dread. Every step I took felt like it took more and more effort. I stop outside of his door and it feels like there's a weight in my stomach. The knocking sound reverberates through the empty hallway. There's nothing for a while so knock again. This time there's some slight shuffling around before the door slowly opened up. Chad stood there with wild hair and a downcast expression. His usual baby blue attire was now a pair of black sweatpants and a blue AP hoodie.

"Oh, hey Ben." He turned around and walked over to his bed where he laid down. The door was left wide open so I let myself in and closed it behind me. I slowly and awkwardly approached his bed to take a seat.

"We need to talk Chad." He just continued staring up at the ceiling and let out a deep sigh. It seemed more resentful than anything.

"If you wanted to drop me like my other 'friends'," He put air quotes up before dropping his arms back down. "Then you could've done it over text. You didn't need to show up in person." Drop him? Does he think this is all some elaborate way for us to get rid of him? That the second he's anything other than cheerful we're gonna throw him to the curb? I'm so upset that his other friend's betrayal tainted his optimistic outlook. Those snobs care about nothing but their image. If anything doesn't fit that image, they get rid of it.

"I'm not here to drop you Chad. You know I wouldn't do anything like that." I hope that he knows I'm telling the truth.

"That's what I thought about them." His voice was quiet and shaky. Like if he talked any louder he wouldn't be able to control his emotions. God, I just want to shake him and tell him that those people aren't worth his time. And you know what? That's what I came here to do.

"Those people weren't your friends Chad. If they were then they would've asked what was going on with you. Which is what I'm going to do. What's happening man? Why have you been so depressed lately?" Silence permeated the room. I was afraid that he was just gonna ignore my question when I heard quiet sniffling. The curtains were all drawn so it was pretty dark in the room. I focused on his face and realized that he was crying. I got off the bed and walked over to his dresser. The clothes I was wearing before came off and I changed into some of Chad's more comfortable clothes. My clothes went on his desk for safekeeping as I walked back to the bed. I laid next to him and cuddled him. If no one else was going to comfort him, then I will. He reached his hands up and held the arm I had across his chest. It felt like he needed me to ground him. I made sure not to push any further and simply waited for him to be ready to tell me. He needs me to be here with him, not interrogating him. The time passed as I laid with Chad until he finally spoke.

"I came out to my parents and it didn't go well." I went to speak but he stopped me. "Just... let me finish. I told them that I'm bisexual and my mom was really excited and happy for me. She gave me a hug and told me she was proud of me. My dad though, wasn't happy. He said that he didn't raise a fag and that I should be ashamed of myself. He got up out of his chair and went to throw a punch at me, but I dodged it. My mom pushed him away from me and they started fighting. I was just sitting in the corner watching all of it. Then, my dad gave her an ultimatum. Him or me. She didn't give it a second thought when she kicked him out of the house. He can't come back until he fixes his attitude and deals with it or if he has the divorce papers ready to sign. A few days ago he came with the papers." Chad started crying and I felt my heartbreak for him. He doesn't deserve any of this. Chad isn't the brightest person in the room sometimes, but he's kind and caring. And no one, no one should be treated the way he was by his father. "So much for happily ever after huh?"

"Chad, I am so, so sorry that you had to go through. And I'm even more sorry that you had to go through it alone. Luckily your mom was there fighting for you and I'll make sure to personally go thank her for it. But I wish you had told us, any of us about it. We've been so worried and have had no idea what was going on. You're our friend and we love and care about you. You mean so much to us, to me, and you don't have to keep your problems to yourself. We'll tackle them all together." I kissed his forehead and snuggled up closer. He actually chuckled at me.

"You're something else, Ben. But, thank you." I moved my arm from his chest and intertwined my fingers with his.

"You can call me whenever you want... Even if you don't have a reason to. I'll always try to answer and be there. You're not alone in this, not when you have me." His face curled into a smile. A big, genuine smile that made my heart warm. That feeling I had before I came in here is long gone now.

"Thank you for being here. It means a lot to me." Turned and kissed me on the cheek. We spent the rest of the time laying together until we both drifted off to sleep.

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