Jay x Chad: Christmas

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(A/N): Sorry for being gone so long anyone, but I'm back now. I'm gonna try to upload more often now. I'm trying to shot for around once a week maybe? But idk. Also, I hope you all like the new cover. Anyway, peace!

Jay's POV

"What exactly is Christmas?" I asked Ben. He was trying to explain holidays to Carlos, Harry, Uma, Gil, and me. Apparently, people have a day where they celebrate short Irish people... I don't understand it but whatever. This Christmas thing is really important though.

"Christmas is this holiday where we gather with family and friends and give gifts to show our love and appreciation." Auradon is strange, but this actually seems kinda fun. I quickly jump to my feet.

"Ben, I need money to buy presents." He looked so concerned. I'm not sure why though, it could be so many reasons.

"I'm not so sure if telling you guys about this was the best idea anymore. I think I just made Christmas a lot more chaotic." I'm sure we all gave him a wicked smile because he went from concerned to mortified. Inciting laughter from the rest of us.

"Don't worry Ben, we won't do anything dangerous," Carlos said. He was being honest but it kind of seemed like he was lying. I don't know if that makes sense but who cares.

"You don't have to ask for money, you all have credit cards that I pay for." And he's right. Sometimes I forget I have that thing. It's a piece of plastic that pays for everything. Isn't that amazing?

"Los, come with me to the mall. We're going Christmas shopping." I said as I stood up and headed for the door. The sound of footsteps behind me told me he was following behind. We both walked to our car and I drove us to our destination.

I was able to get gifts for all of my friends. I got Evie a new sewing machine, Mal a new purple leather jacket, Carlos is getting a new pair of shoes, Uma A tentacle ring, Gil a football, and Harry an eye shadow palette. When I was finished I met up with Carlos in the food court. We had separated to avoid spoiling our gifts.

"So, Jay, did you get a gift for Chad?" Carlos was straight to the point and I hated him for it. I've been slightly crushing on Chad and I obviously told Carlos. Which was a mistake because I forgot how much of a pest he can be. I'm very close to swatting him like a fly.

"No, I didn't. Should I though? Do you think he would like a gift from me?" Now I am a very go with the flow kind of person. Although, every once in a while I do have the tendency to overthink. This was one of those times. The thought of Chad rejecting a gift I bought him was painful. As much as I know he wouldn't do that my mind wouldn't stop telling me he would.

"I know Chad can be a bit of a dick sometimes, but I'm sure if you get him a gift, he'll love it," Carlos assured. He's a pest but he sure is a rational one.

"Alright. Will you help me find one?" He smiled as he took a sip of his frappuccino.

"You can trust me. I'll help you find the perfect gift."


We waited anxiously at Evie's house for Ben, Mal, Chad, and Audrey. They had a royal party to attend before they could come to our much more fun friend party. Being royalty does have a few setbacks. Being late to awesome parties is one of them. We sort of started without them, but it was mostly just talking amongst ourselves. I took a sip of my eggnog as I continued to converse with Uma. She's talking about how cute Audrey was when they cuddled last night. That girl is so smitten and I don't think she realized it.

"You are so whipped Uma," I smirked and she crossed her arms challengingly. Her eyes went from lovestruck to a glare.

"I am not whipped. I just love my amazing girlfriend very much and- oh my god I am whipped." The realization was so visible it was hilarious. The door opens and there are our honoured guests. They all came in with more comfortable clothes than the stuffy suits and dresses they wore before.

"They're here!" Gil shouted in excitement. He was practically vibrating at this point.

"Finally!" Harry was ready for the gift-giving portion of the party. We've all been wondering who got who what. Uma just laughed and it may just be a force of habit but it sounded a little evil.

"Took you long enough, we got gifts to open." We all gather on the couches that the tree and gifts were put by.

"Alright who's first?"

We had finished all the gift-giving and dispersed to different parts of the house. I still had one present left though. The one that I had bought for Chad. I didn't want to give it to him in front of everyone else so I had to get him alone. Luckily that wasn't hard since he already secluded himself by going outside alone. I grabbed the small bag his present was in and went out to him.

"Hey," I said. He turned around and a smile bloomed on his face.

"Hey, came to soak in the sunlight too?" He stared up at the clouds. They were big and partially covered the sun so it was kinda shady. It didn't matter though because it was still cold out. It's supposed to snow later so hopefully, we'll get to enjoy that.

"Nah, nothing like that. I actually came out here to see you." He looked back down at me in confusion. I held up the bag with his gift in it. "I got you a gift." His eyes shone with excitement and something else.

"You got me a present?" He took the bag from my hand and opened it up. Inside was a black jewelry box. "You bought me jewelry?"

"Just open it." He complied and cracked open the lid. There was a silver chain with an obsidian coloured ring attached to it. "It's a Galaxy ring. It's enchanted so if you look inside of it, you can see space."He brings the ring up to one eye and gazes in astonishment.

"Woah, this is so cool." He slips it over his head and it dangles from his neck. "Thank you, Jay, I love it." His hand stretched out toward me with open fingers. "Let's go back inside so I can show everyone else." I intertwined my fingers with him and he pulls me inside along with him. He's confident enough that he wants to show it off. Maybe I wasn't the only one crushing here. Apparently, he does like the gift. I'll have to thank Carlos for helping me pick it out. What this hand-holding means is for another day. For now, let's just enjoy Christmas. Whatever happens after is future Jay's issue.

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