Jay / Harry: I Got The Good Side of Things

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(A/N): Hey everyone! Sorry that this chapter is shorter than usual but I hope you still like it all the same. Also, this was requested by Jojo on AO3. That's all, peace!

Jay's POV

Mal, Evie, Carlos, and I were sent to Auradon. We are the first people to ever get off the isle since its creation. While that is cool and all, our parents sent us here with a mission. Get the wand, get rid of the barrier, yada yada. But, I want more than that. In fact, I had just gotten a boyfriend. A boyfriend that I left alone without so much as a goodbye. He'll probably find out by word of mouth or on the news or something. So, I have to talk to him. I have to let him know that I didn't want to leave him behind. But I can't go back to the isle. They won't let me. That's why I talked to Ben. I really didn't want to tell him my personal business, but I have to. I need Harry to hear my side. So, Ben is gonna let me write a letter and he's gonna have it delivered to the isle. He said he'd make sure that Harry received it and I appreciate that more than he'd ever know. That's what I'm doing right now, delivering the letter to Ben to send away. I can feel the tears prick at my eyes as I try and hold them back.

"Thanks for helping me out Ben. Please make sure that Harry gets it. It's really important to me." Ben smiled softly at me and handed the letter to the guard stating beside him.

"Of course Jay. I'm just glad I can help." He turns to the guard that was still standing in the same position. "You heard him, make sure the letter gets to Harry Hook and no one else. You know what he looks like." The guard nods and walks to the limo where another guard was waiting by the passenger door. They both entered and drove away.

"Bye Ben." I turned and walked away as the tears finally started falling. I'm sorry Harry, I miss you much.

Hey Harry,

I really hope that you're doing okay. Truly. I couldn't get to you before I left and I'm sorry. I didn't even wanna leave in the first place. We were selected to go and our parents have this whole plan that I'm not sure I even wanna go along with. But, that's not the point. The point is that I left you and that's completely my fault. You did nothing wrong, absolutely nothing. This is all my fault because even after all this, I still got the good side of things. I'm the one that's free from the isle and running around freely in Auradon. I'm the one that gets to play school sports and hang out with friends. You're the one who just lost their boyfriend and is still trapped in the terrible place. You should be out here with everyone else because you deserve it. You deserve to be free and happy. And frankly, I don't. Although sometimes you can be arrogant, cocky and a real nuisance, you are so much better than all that. You are kind and funny and make me so, so happy. I can really say that the happiest moment in my life was when we finally got together 4 days ago. All that cockiness left your body and I got to see the person underneath that facade. It was nice and thrilling and I felt amazing. Now, I feel like shit. You deserve the world Harry, the absolute best. That's why I need to do this. Harry... I'm breaking up with you. Just hear me out, please. It's not because I don't love you, because I do, I do love you. It's because you deserve better than me. You deserve someone who's gonna be beside you whenever you need them and right now that person isn't me. I can't get you off the isle and I also can't co back. You need someone else Harry, and I really hope you find them.

Goodbye Harry, I'll always love you.


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