Jay x Carlos: I Need Friends

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Carlos' POV

It started by accident, I can say that for sure. School had let out and I walked out alone. No one ever talks to me so most of my days are spent rather silent. I used to try to talk to others but I just quit after getting ignored and belittled for so long. What's the point in trying if I'm not gonna get a different result. No one at this damn school is gonna be friends with me and I've accepted that. It did take me a long time but I eventually got there.

I continued my walk that eventually turned into the woods. It went inward through a path until I turned off. The path I'm taking now has been formed by me. Ever since I found this place I've been going there to spend my time. Better than being at home. The poorer parts of town are not the most enjoyable to be in. So if I can be here rather than there, I will be. The trail opens up into a small clearing with a waterfall and a small lake. Not as big as the enchanted lake but more private. I think this is an extension of it actually. I drop my bag down and walk around to the big flat rock near the waterfall. It's got some bulging parts but for the most part, it's rather flat. Actually, there's something carved into the rock here. I've never noticed that before. It looks like some kind of symbol. I brush it off and now it's glowing. A section of the rock carves itself into a doorway and sinks into the floor.

"Holy shit," I mumble to myself. A short hallway with a pedestal at the end stood before me. An old-looking book sat atop it. I venture inward and hope that the door doesn't seal me in. When I get to the book and see it closer up it looks older than I thought before. The pages look worn and wrinkly and the leather cover is thin. The words 'Demonic Hold' are inscribed onto it. I open it up to a random page and keep flipping until I find something interesting. All the pages have symbols, drawings of beasts, and different words in multiple languages. Eventually, I get to a page labeled 'Demonic Servant'. It says that I can summon a demon to do my bidding. It will heed my every command and do as I please. That sounds kind of interesting. I would have someone that I can talk to and do things for me. The book is kind of heavy but I carry it out and press the symbol to seal the passage behind me.

The instructions said that I have to draw the demonic circle onto the ground and place something I have a strong emotional connection with onto the ground. So I drew it onto the floor with a stick that I dragged through the dirt. In the center, I put my father's ring that he left. I'm not sure what he even looks like anymore. He left early on enough that all I can picture is a silhouette. The ring went in the center of the symbol so I stepped back to admire my work. Now I have to recite a chant to actually activate the spell.

"Passage to the underworld I beckon thee to open. Widen the gates and deliver me a servant. One that is loyal and heeds my call. That will destroy those who cross me once and for all." This is a very aggressive-sounding spell. Like, I understand it's for summoning a demon but still. The symbol in the ground glows a deep red and smoke begins to cloud around it. It swirls upward and a pair of glowing red eyes appear inside of it. The cloud dissipates and a man is left standing there. No, not man, demon. He has tan skin and rippling muscles. He has no shirt and a pair of tight leather pants. There's a pair of black wings tucked behind him too. He has a small braid crown going around his head while the rest flows behind it. There are two thick and curly horns that exude from the top of his head. His eyes are still glowing now and staring right at me.

"Why, hello there mortal. I didn't think that your kind summoned us anymore given your peace with each other. Anyway, I am the demon Jaicifair. I am now your loyal servant." He does a short eccentric bow and I just stare dumbfounded. This is all really happening. I have a demonic servant. And a hot one at that. "What would you like me to call you?"

"Um, y-you can call me Carlos. You know because it's my name." I said as I finally snapped out of my trace.

"Carlos, that's a new one. What would you like to do master? Fetch you a newborn for a sacrifice? Kill one of your enemies? Assassinate a royal?" That is all very concerning sounding. I would like to take part in none of that. What is wrong with people?

"Okay, we are going to not do any of that, please. I just summoned you because I needed someone to talk to." I admitted sheepishly. He tilted his head in confusion.

"You don't want me to do anything? You just wanted someone to talk to?" He asked for clarification.

"Yeah. I don't... I don't have any friends. The only person I really talk to is my mom and she isn't the nicest, or even really a mom. When I found the book and it said I could summon a demon I figured I'd summon you so I could have someone to talk to. I don't want anyone dead or anything, I'm just lonely you know?" His expression seemed to soften. Great even the demons seem to pity me.

"You poor thing, cast away by the people of this world. Don't worry I'll be your friend Carlos." He holds out his hand to me and I feel compelled to take it. Before I do, I realize that his hand has my father's ring on it.

"Can you... take care of that ring? It means a lot to me." Jaicifair looked down and twisted the ring between his fingers.

"I am required to keep this until my return to the underworld. But do not worry. I will make sure nothing happens to your ring." He reaches his hand back out and I take it. We go back to the sealed entrance of the hallway. Jaicifair waves his hand and the door opens but no to the hallway. It's now a comfy-looking room with beanbags and pillows and blankets. He pulls me in and makes me take a seat.

"Do you mind if I call you Jay? I know that your name is Jaicifair and I don't know if demons like nicknames, and I don't have to call you that if you don't want to. But it would be nice you know." I realized I started rambling so I cut myself off.

"I don't mind at all Carlos. In fact, I rather like it. Now, what do you want to talk about?" I smiled and started asking Jay questions about being a demon. If he's alright with it, I wanna keep him here a while. So might as well know all that I can.

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