Rose- final part

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The Doctor: Think of it. Plastic, all over the world. Every artificial thing waiting to come alive. The shop window dummies, the phones, the wires, the cables... 

Rose: The breast implants... 

The Warden: Behave.

The Doctor: Still, we've found the transmitter. The Consciousness must be somewhere underneath. 

Rose runs off and finds the entrance to a manhole at the foot of the wall she is looking over. 

Rose: What about down here? 

The Doctor and The Warden run to join her. 

The Doctor: Looks good to me. 

They run down the stairs to the manhole. The Warden takes the lid off it, and red light and smoke pours out. They climb down the ladder underground. The Doctor opens the door to another chamber and they go down some steps. The Warden points to a huge, orange, wobbling mass in the middle of the chamber. 

The Warden: The Nestene Consciousness, that's it, inside the vat. A living, plastic creature. 

Rose: Well, then. Tip in your anti-plastic and let's go. 

The Doctor: We're not here to kill it!

The Warden: We've got to give it a chance. 

They go down some more steps. The Warden leans over the railings and addresses the Consciousness. 

The Warden: I seek audience with the Nestene Consciousness under peaceful contract. According to convention 15 of the Shadow Proclamation. 

The Consciousness flobbles around a bit. 

The Warden: Thank you. That I might have permission to approach. 

Meanwhile, as Rose and The Doctor pace around in the background, Rose spots Mickey and runs to him. The Doctor rolls his eyes. 

Rose: Oh, my God! Mickey! It's okay! It's alright! 

She squats down next to him. 

Mickey: That thing down there, the liquid, Rose, it can talk! 

Rose: You're stinking! Doctor, they kept him alive! 

The Doctor: Yeah, that was always a possibility. Keep him alive to maintain the copy. 

Rose: You knew that and you never said? 

The Warden: Can we keep the domestics outside, thank you? 

Rose helps Mickey to his feet. The Warden approaches the Consciousness. 

The Warden: Am I addressing the Consciousness? Thank you. If I might observe, you infiltrated this civilization by means of warped, shunt technology. So, may I suggest, with the greatest respect, that you shunt off? 

The plastic globbers in what appears to be a negative manner. 

The Warden: Oh don't give me that, it's an invasion! Plain and simple! Don't talk about constitutional rights! 

The plastic rears what would appear to be its head angrily. 

The Warden: I... am... talking! This planet is just starting. These stupid little people have only just learnt how to walk, but they're capable of so much more. I'm asking you on their behalf - please, just go. 

Two Autons approach the Doctor from behind with two doing the same for the Warden.

ROSE: Warden! The Autons grab him. One of them takes the anti-plastic out of his jacket pocket. 

The Doctor and the Warden ( Male time lord reader ) Season 1Where stories live. Discover now