The Doctor dances- part three

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Jack: Doctor, Warden can you hear that? 

The Warden: Loud and clear. 

Jack: I'll try to block out the signal. Least I can do. 

Kid: Coming to find you, mummy! 

Jack: Remember this one, Rose? 

He flicks a switch, and Glenn Miller's "Moonlight Serenade" plays through the radio. Rose looks ever so slightly uncomfortable as the Doctor turns to look at her questioningly. 

Rose: Our song. 

The Doctor nods, but it seems as though he doesn't like this. Rose shifts from foot to foot, smiling embarrassedly at the Warden who cheerfully grins back. Nancy approaches the bomb site, which has a sign on the fence surrounding it saying "KEEP OUT - RESTRICTED AREA". She hurries stealthily out of sight to where a hole in the fence has been mended quickly with barbed wire. She sets to work, cutting them loose with her wire cutters, all the while looking around nervously. Rose shuffles around in the wheel chair, bored. The radio still plays "Moonlight Serenade". The buzzing of sonic screwdrivers in the background. Rose spins the wheel chair around in the Doctor and Warden's direction. 

Rose: What you doing? 

They hold the sonic screwdrivers up against the wall near the window.

The Warden: Trying to set up a resonation pattern in the concrete. Loosen the bars. 

Rose: You don't think he's coming back, do ya? 

The Doctor: Wouldn't bet my life. 

Rose: Why don't you trust him? 

The Doctor: Why do you? 

Rose: Saved my life. Bloke-wise, that's up there with flossing. 

The Doctor does not answer, The Warden lets out a little amused huff at Rose's joke. Rose looks at him for a moment. 

Rose: I trust him 'cos he's like you two. Except with dating and dancing. 

The Doctor shoots her a look. 

Rose: What? 

The Doctor: You just assume I'm... 

Rose: What? 

The Doctor: You just assume that I don't... dance.

Rose: What, are you telling me you do... dance? 

The Doctor: Nine hundred years old, us. We've been around a bit. I think you can assume that at some point we've danced. 

Rose grins even more. 

Rose: You?! 

The Doctor: Problem? 

Rose: Doesn't the universe implode or something if you... dance? 

The Warden: It's more like a deletion.

The Doctor: Well, I've got the moves but I wouldn't want to boast. 

Rose, still grinning, stops shuffling around in her wheel chair and gets up to turn the music up. The Doctor looks around, completely wrong-footed. Rose walks slowly forward, flirtatiously. He looks determinedly back to the wall. Rose holds her hand out to him. 

Rose: You've got the moves? 

The Doctor looks back at her. 

Rose: Show me your moves. 

The Doctor: Rose, I'm trying to resonate concrete. 

Rose: Jack'll be back, he'll get us out. So come on, the world doesn't end 'cos the Doctor dances. 

The Doctor and the Warden ( Male time lord reader ) Season 1Where stories live. Discover now