World war three- part four

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Downstairs, Asquith approaches Joseph.

 Asquith: He's dead. Sip Fel Fotch Pasameer, Day Slitheen is dead. 

Joseph: I felt it. How could that happen? 

Asquith: Somebody must've got lucky. 

Joseph: That's the last piece of luck anyone on this rock will ever have. 

Joseph and Asquith walk out of the doors of 10 Downing Street, to address the crowd outside. He faces the camera. 

Joseph: Ladies and Gentlemen, Nations of the World, Human Kind. The greatest experts in extra-terrestrial events came here tonight. They gathered in the common cause. But the news I bring you now is grave indeed.

Mickey, wiping the goo off himself with a towel, comes into the living room to watch Joseph on the TV. 

Joseph: The experts are dead. Murdered, right in front of me by alien hands. Peoples of the Earth, heed my words. These visitors do not come in peace.

Mickey takes the phone off Jackie. 

Mickey: Listen to this. 

He holds the phone to the TV.

Joseph: Our inspectors have searched the sky above our heads and they have found massive weapons of destruction, capable of being deployed within 45 seconds. 

The Doctor, The Warden, Rose and Harriet are crowded around the phone, listening to him. 

The Doctor: What? 

Joseph: Our technicians can, baffle, the alien probes. But not for long. We are facing extinction. Unless we strike first. The United Kingdom stands directly beneath the belly of the mother ship. I beg the United Nations - pass an emergency resolution. Give us the access codes! A nuclear strike at the heart of the ship is our only chance of survival. Because... from this moment on... it is my solemn duty to inform you... planet Earth is at war. 

The Warden: He's making it up. There's no weapons up there, there's no threat. He just invented it. 

Harriet: Do you think they'll believe him? 

Rose: They did last time. 

The Doctor: That's why the Slitheen went for spectacle. They want the whole world panicking, because you lot, you get scared, you lash out. 

Rose: They release the defence codes... 

The Warden: And the Slitheen go nuclear. 

Harriet: But why? 

The Doctor opens the metal shutters. The Slitheen are still standing outside the door. 

The Warden: You get the codes, release the missiles. But not into space because there's nothing there. You attack every other country on Earth, they retaliate, fight back. World War Three, whole planet gets nuked. 

Margaret Slitheen, still in her skin suit, stands before the Doctor. 

Margaret: And we can sit through it in our spaceship waiting in the Thames. Not crashed. Just parked. They'll be two minutes away. 

Harriet: But you'll destroy the planet, this beautiful place. What for? 

The Doctor: Profit. That's what the signal is beaming into space, an advert. 

Margaret: Sale of the century. We reduce the Earth to molten slag, then sell it. Piece by piece. Radioactive chucks capable of powering every cut-price star liner and budget cargo ship. There's a recession out there, Doctor. People are buying cheap. This rock becomes raw fuel. 

The Warden: At the cost of 5 billion lives. 

Margaret: Bargain. 

The Warden: Then I give you the choice: leave this planet or we'll stop you. 

The Slitheen all burst out laughing. 

Margaret: What? You? Trapped in your box? 

They do not look remotely abashed. The Warden stares her out. 

The Doctor and The Warden: Yes. us. 

Margaret laughs again, but nervously. The Doctor fixes her in his gaze and closes the shutters. The smirk fades from Margaret's face. London is almost completely deserted. 

Reporter: Yesterday saw the start of a brave new world. Today might see it end. The streets are deserted. Everyone's home - just waiting. As the future is decided in New York.

 Newsreader: It's midnight here in New York. The United Nations has gathered. England has provided them with absolute proof that the massive weapons of mass destruction do exist. The security council will be making a resolution in a matter of minutes. 

Mickey picks up the phone from the top of the TV.

Newsreader: And once the codes are released, humanity's first interplanetary war begins. 

Jackie is watching the TV biting her nails, scared and anxious. Inside 10 Downing Street, Margaret and Asquith make to go up the stairs as Joseph pauses at the bottom to talk to the Sergeant. 

Joseph: Sergeant. We'll take the call in the Prime Minister's office. Maintain the oppositions. Good luck.

They shake hands. Asquith pats him genially on the shoulder, and the Sergeant resumes his post at the bottom of the stairs. Margaret, Asquith and Joseph bundle their way into the Prime Minister's office, all insanely excited. 

Margaret: Oh! Look at that! The telephone is actually red. 

She blows it a kiss. Joseph sits down behind the desk, farting as he does so.

 Joseph: How long 'til they phone?! 

Asquith: Counting down...!

Jackie is on the phone again. 

Jackie: Alright, you two. I'm not saying I trust you, but there must be something you can do. 

Harriet: If we ferment the porch, we could make ascetic acid. 

Rose: Mickey, any luck? 

Mickey: There's loads of emergency numbers, they're all on voicemail. 

The Doctor is standing quietly with his arms folded, leaning against the wall away from the other three. He is deep in thought. 

Harriet: Voicemail dooms us all. 

Rose: If we could just get out of here... 

The Warden: There's a way out.

Rose: What? 

She turns to face him incredulously. 

The Doctor: There's always been a way out. 

Rose: Then why don't we use it? 

The Doctor strides over to the table and leans over to speak into the phone. 

The Doctor: Because I can't guarantee your daughter will be safe.

Jackie: Don't you dare. Whatever it is, don't you dare. 

The Warden: That's the thing, if we don't dare, everyone dies. 

Rose: Do it. 

The Doctor looks up at her. 

The Doctor: You don't even know what it is, you'd just let us? 

Rose: Yeah. The Doctor stares at her. 

Jackie: Please, Doctor. Please! She's my daughter, she's just a kid! Warden back me up!

The Warden: Do you think we don't know that? Because this is our life, Jackie, it's not fun, it's not smart, it's just standing up and making a decision because nobody else will. 

Rose: Then what're you waiting for? 

The Doctor looks up at her again. 

The Doctor: I could save the world but lose you. 

The Doctor and the Warden ( Male time lord reader ) Season 1Where stories live. Discover now