Rose- full story

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An alarm clock blared in a London flat as Rose smacks it to stop it beeping and jumps out of bed. She picks up her bag, gives her mother a peck on the cheek and grabs her keys.

Rose: Bye!

Jackie: See you later!

Jackie sips her tea and picks up the phone.


Presumably in her lunch hour, Rose and Mickey sit next to a fountain, having a laugh, eating, teasing each other and kissing. They get up to leave.

Rose: Bye!

She is shown back in Henricks.

Loud speaker: This is a customer announcement: The store will be closing in five minutes. Thank you.

Rose is about to leave when she gets stopped.


Rose takes the package looking not- too- happy and enters a lift. When the lift pings, she alights in the basement.

Rose: Wilson? Wilson, I've got the lottery money. Wilson? You there? Look, I can't hang about 'cause they're closing the shop. Wilson! Uhh, come on!

There is a sudden sound further along the corridor. Rose immediately snaps her head in the direction it has come from.

Rose: Hello? Hello, Wilson, it's Rose. Hello? Wil... Wilson?

She stops outside a fire door for a moment, and then opens it, and find herself in a room that looks as though it is used for storing shop dummies. She turns the light on and walks further into the room.

Rose: Wilson? Wilson?

She tries another door at the side. The fire door through which she entered closes abruptly. Shocked, she runs back and shakes the handles, but they will not open. There is small sound from behind her.

ROSE: Is that someone mucking about? Who is it?

Behind her, a dummy slowly turns its head of its own accord. Rose turns around just in time to see it step out of its alcove and towards her. She backs away slowly.

Rose: Heh... You got me, very funny.

The dummy says nothing and does not stop advancing. Two more join it.

Rose: Right, I've got the joke! Who's idea was this? Was it Derek's?

The dummies still advance. Another comes from behind.

Rose: Derek, is it you?

All of the dummies are now alive. Rose backs up away and trips over a box. She quickly pulls herself up again and backs against a wall. The dummy lifts its arm to strike her. Rose screws her face up ready for the blow, when a hand grabs hers. Rose opens her eyes and snaps her head to look at the owner of the hand.

The Warden: Run!

They run, just in time, through a fire exit. The dummies are in pursuit. The Doctor and The Warden lead her into a lift. The doors close on one of the dummy's arms. The Doctor pulls it off and the doors close.

Rose: You pulled his arm off!

The Doctor: Yep! Plastic.

Rose: Very clever, nice trick! Who were they then, students? Is this a student thing or what?

The Doctor and the Warden ( Male time lord reader ) Season 1Where stories live. Discover now