Aliens of London- part one

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This is it, the first episode of Doctor Who I ever saw...

The TARDIS materializes. The Warden, Rose and the Doctor step out. The Doctor leans against the door and folds his arms and The Warden does some stretches. 

Rose: How long have I been gone? 

The Doctor: About 12 hours. 

They laugh. 

Rose: Oooh! Right, I won't be long, I'm just gonna see my mum. 

The Warden: What're you going to tell her? 

Rose: I don't know! I've been to the year 5 billion... and only been gone, what, 12 hours? 

The Doctor gives something between a laugh and a snort. 

Rose: No, I'll just tell her I've spent the night at Shareens. See you later! Oh, don't you disappear. 

The Doctor gives her a look to say 'as if I would' and she runs off in the direction of the flats. He settles himself against the TARDIS to wait for her. 

The Warden: Well I think that was adorable.

The Doctor: Shut up.

The Warden: What happened the last time you fell in love with a human?

The Doctor: I'm not in love.

The  Warden: Riiiiight.


Rose runs up the stairs to her flat, grinning. The Doctor wanders around with his arms folded outside and kicks an empty bottle across the yard. He spots a poster taped to a lamppost. He walks over to it and reads the writing "Can You Help?" and sees a photograph of Rose. Rose opens the door to her flat. 

Rose: I'm back! It was Shareen. She was all upset again. Are you in? 

Her mum walks out of the kitchen holding a cup of tea. 

Rose: So, what's been going on? How've you been? 

Jackie looks as though she has seen a ghost.

Rose: What? What's that face for? It's not the first time I've stayed out all night. 

Jackie drops the cup of tea and it smashes on the floor. Outside, the Doctor gets the gist of the poster and runs to the flats. 

The Warden: What's happened now !?

Jackie: It's you. 

Rose: Of course it's me! 

Jackie: Oh, my God. It's you. Oh my God. 

She throws her arms around Rose, who looks alarmed. Then, over her sobbing mother's shoulder, she notices several variations of the same "Where is Rose?" poster. At that moment, the Doctor and the Warden come crashing in. 

The Doctor: It's not 12 hours, it's er... 12 months. You've been gone a whole year. 

He laughs apologetically while Rose and Jackie both look at him, stunned whilst The Warden has his head in his hands.

The Doctor and the Warden ( Male time lord reader ) Season 1Where stories live. Discover now