Chapter thirty-two: Sass reveals itself

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^^ s a w y e r's h a i r ^^

"I'm sorry you went through that with him, if it helps, I always thought he was a dick."

Cassidy and Sawyer were on their little date at the restaurant, for brunch.

They were talking about what they've been up to since college, Sawyer had asked about the boyfriend from college, the one that hit her when he would drink. Luckily, he's long gone.

She told Sawyer about Maisy,...and her parents.

"That's alright, my mom actually passed a few years ago too." Cassidy froze and looked at Sawyer sympathetically, even though she had just talked about the passing of both of her parents, she couldn't help but feel bad.

Sawyer still had a slight smile on her face at the memory of her mom. "Sure it was tragic, but life moves on. They don't want us to sit and wallow over them, we still deserve to have a life and be happy."

Cassidys lips turned up into a smile, Sawyer had a good outlook on grief. It's not like she can talk to a lot of her friends about it, they've never lost a parent.

Sawyer sighed and moved a strand of hair behind her ear, she had left it down and curled it. Her hair could be described as an ashy blonde, or a very light sandy-brown.

Cassidy had her hair half up, with a messy bun on top. Not as styled as Sawyer, but still looked nice.

"What about you? Still no special someone?" Cassidy knew she was single, but didn't know much about her anymore. It was like they were meeting for the first time again.

"Nah, I just can't seem to find the right person, you know? It always feels like they aren't the one." Cassidy nodded, completely understanding. She had given up on trying to date mostly, she's been focusing on her. Because that's what should matter.

"Me too. Ever since...him," Cassidy refused to call him by his name, so he always was addressed as his pronouns.

"It's hard. And I've been trying to put me first."

Sawyer twisted her fork around in her fingers as she stared at Cassidy, wondering if she should say what she's thinking.

"You know, I heard this quote once that's always stuck with me." Cassidy stared into Sawyers hazel eyes as she spoke, wanting to get lost in them.

"Find someone who loves you more than you love yourself, because if they love you just as much as you do, that's not enough. You can love yourself that much."

Cassidy still stared at Sawyer face, now her eyes had moved to her lips as they moved. "That's a good quote."

Sawyer leaned forward a little bit, and they could feel each other's breath. "yeah, it really is."

Their faces shifted a little closer to each other, and their lips slowly met together.

It was different than all the other ones Cassidys had, it was like a small electric spark.

And it felt amazing.

•. •. •.

"Maisy, I'm tired. Don't you want to do something else?"

Miles had been carrying Maisy around on his back; A piggy back ride. Maisy had somehow discovered how much she loves being taller and refused to let Miles put her down.

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