Chapter thirty-six: The glue that holds us together; Maisy.

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•.                                     •.                                    •.

"Okay, good. Now, let's try to stretch this way."

Sawyer stretched her arm, as she showed Maisy how. She was wearing leggings and a tank top with her hair up in a messy bun, Maisy was wearing her ballet outfit. Tutu and all.

Maisy was disappointed when Sawyer didn't wear her big tutu that sticks out, she was shown a video of an old recital earlier when Cassidy wanted to see.

"Like this?"

Maisy had her hand raised over her head, and was also leaning over so she was partially just laying on the floor.

Sawyer laughed and booped her nose, smiling as she corrected Maisy into the right position. "Almost sweet pea, you've gotta bend a little bit more this way."

Maisy stuck her tongue out as she tried to get it perfect, just like Sawyer. They were practicing in Maisy's room-Beau made Maisy clean up in here to clear it out.

They would've done it in the living room, but Miles and Amber convinced Eric to play twister with them, while Beau flicks the spinner. Cassidys in the shower, so that leaves only Sawyer and Maisy in here.

"Good job! Now can you stand up, and put your feet in fourth position?" They were still attempting to master the five positions in the studio, so Sawyer decided to start there.

Maisy stared at her feet and stepped around, trying to remember which one was fourth. It took her a minute, and with a little help she got it.

"Just like that, perfect."

They practiced for about another twenty minutes before they decided to go downstairs.

•.                                       •.                                  •.

It's funny how fast an atmosphere can change, because earlier it was all fun and games and now it was more serious.

But it wasn't fighting this time, just a more serious talk.

"I don't know, maybe someday." Miles handed Amber a baby tomato as they talked, then threw one at Eric's head.

"I thought you guys were playing twister?"

Sawyer walked in further, with Maisy holding her hand and playing with her tutu. "We were. Now we're not."

Beau was sitting on the couch and rolled his eyes, they were playing earlier. Until they all basically gave up and just sat on the mat.

"I would go to Paris, it sounds fun." Eric started talking, continuing the conversation from earlier.

"You would go to Paris?" Miles and Amber were talking about cool places to travel, and no one would've expected Eric to speak up.

For having money, they never really went on family trips. So maybe that's why. Once they tried to go on an old fashioned, Chevy Chase road trip-they got an hour and a half away before it became unbearable.

"I never knew you'd like to travel someday." Even Beau seemed surprised, who would expect Eric-The crabby teenager, to travel.

"Sure, why not. Don't you have something you want to do someday?" Eric glanced at Beau, taking the attention off himself.


Beau's never been the type to want to travel, it seemed more appealing to settle down with a normal life, a wife and a little family.

Maisy's kind of his little starter/practice child after all.

"I don't know, I've never loved traveling." Amber patted the couch cushion next to her and smiled Maisy. "Hey Mais, you wanna come sit?"

Maisy smiled back but shook her head and looked up at Sawyer. "I wanna keep practicing."

Sawyer sighed and lifted Maisy up, balancing her onto her hip. "How about we take a break, you can go play with Eric or something."

Maisy made a face at the sound of playing with her brothers, she'd much rather be doing something else-like a tea party or ballet.

"No! They're rude, I wanna play with another girl." Maisy pulled on Sawyers hand, giving her puppy dog eyes to go practice some more.

"I can play Maisy, we can have a tea party, or we can color." Amber smoothed put her shirt and stood up, but Maisy kept pulling in Sawyer.

"S' okay Amber, I wanna do ballet with Sawyer."

Sawyer sighed, she loves this little girl but is very not-used to being a favorite.

"Excuse me little girl, did you just say you don't want to play with me?" Amber playfully raised an eyebrow and walked closer to Maisy with her hands extended, about to tickle her.

"n-no?" Maisy backed up a step for every step forward Amber took, closer to Sawyers legs.

"What about you play with Sawyer for a little bit, and then later we can have that sleepover I promised, what do you think?"

Maisy lit up at the girls day idea, with the exception of Cassidy for a little bit there. Maybe she won't have to choose a favorite girlfriend when they're both the best.

•.                                      •.                                   •.

"Close your eyes!"

Sawyer lead Cassidy into an elevator, they went out to eat and now she's insisting that she has a surprise.

"I told you I don't want to be surprised right now, where are we?" Cassidy usually doesn't mind surprises, as long as it isn't bad surprise.

"Calm down Cass, we're almost there." Sawyer grabbed Cassidys arm and pulled her out of the elevator, and Cassidy flinched at the feeling of cool night air.


She shushed her and stepped away. "Open your eyes."

Cassidy opened her eyes to see that she was on a rooftop, with a view of the New York skyline in the distance and fairy lights stung above them.

"Wow...where are we?" Cassidy looked around the roof in wonder, it felt surreal. Like a scene from a movie.

"We're at my old apartment, it's always been my favorite rooftop." Sawyer smiled at the buildings around her, she had been coming here since she was 23.

"I figured we could have a little date night."

Sawyer picked up a wine glass and handed it to Cassidy. "Cheers."

The rest of the night was amazing for them, they stayed on the roof for a few hours and drank as they stared off at the city.

Maisy had an eventful night too, Amber finally had that sleepover that was promised to her AGES ago.

"Amber, look!"

Maisy smiled, proud of her little nest she made from her blankets and pillows. "Wow, that looks real comfy."

The sleepover was taking place on the couch, with what felt like a few hundred of Maisys stuffed animals.

Amber had promised though, so they did each others nails, mainly Amber doing Maisy's, they did a face mask-and fell asleep to the movie Frozen.


This was so bad I might take it down and rewrite it

Lately, I've really lost ideas/inspiration in this story

I feel bad about it, and I think this book might just be at its end

Don't worry though, I'm not leaving you hanging. I promise. Pinky promise.

For now, thanks for reading this.


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