Chapter 14

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Merry Christmas everyone! I guess this is our present from us to you! Remember, killing us is not Christmas like at all so please don't! Remember we love you... :) <3


Harry's pov.

"So boys, how was dinner then?" Niall laughed. Liam smacked him over the head gently. It was lunch time so we could all hang out, minus Louis.

"It went so well." Zayn smiled and snaked his hand under the table squeezing my knee. God he is cute.

"I think you guys are gonna be a couple for a long time, I just have this weird feeling ya know." Liam whispered. It made my smile grow because damn I believed it.


3 weeks later.

"But Zayn seriously I will be there, so you won't actually loose everything." I called through my phone, rolling around on my bed. I was extremely annoyed with Zayn. He just wouldn't tell his parents about us, even with my constant nagging.

"Please Harry not again, can you please just let it go, I like you ok isn't that enough for you?" He pleaded. I knew I should have dropped it there. Zayn sounded so broken. But I don't know what made me carry on.

"I'm coming over now. See you soon!" I sang and as I hung up I could faintly hear Zayn protesting.

"Mum I'm going to Zayns for a bit ok?" I called as I grabbed a denim jacket and ran out the door, she wouldn't of minded. And even if she did I didn't care, I was on a mission, a mission of acceptance. Zayns family will know about us and they will damn well accept us.

I thought I was nervous when I was in the car on the way to his place, but that had nothing on my nerves as I stood in front of his door. My hands were shaking but I had To do this, I gulped and rang the door bell.

Zayn answered.

And he looked pissed.

"Harry, this isn't ok, I have told my parents that we are doing an assignment, and that your my FRIEND." He whispered through clenched teeth. I was lost for words, I just stood there, going blank, my mouth agape. I had no idea what I had just done. I don't think I was breathing until Zayns dad showed at the door. He was tall, like Zayn, and had jet black hair with a matching beard. He had similar facial features to Zayn.

"You must be Harry? Come in my boy and get started will you guys!" He smiled as he shook my hand pulling me inside.

"Zayn likes to slack so make sure he does his half of the work alright Harry." He smiled and chuckled before walking off, as we followed him. We stopped in the kitchen where his mum was at the table reading a book of some sort, she was very tan with long black hair and a small frame, she looked a bit mean to be honest, something about her posture and her clothes that just makes me think she thinks highly of herself.

"Hello Mrs Milak! It's really nice to meet you both, you know Zayn and I actually have something to tell you, but you need to not-"

"But uh we should probably start, so if you don't mind." Zayn interrupted and pulled me away.

His mum and dad looked confused as I turned away before following Zayn upstairs to his room. I must of looked like a dick in front of his parents, they probable hate me already.

As soon as he closed his door I knew he would fire at me.

"HARRY! Are you crazy! What the hell, what were you thinking for fuck sake!" He yelled as loudly as he could without the sound carrying. I felt my gut cave in, I had actually no idea what I was doing.

"I..I don't know."

"Damn fucking straight Harry! I told you my parents would flip and yet you just kept pushing-"

"Zayn I'm sorry please sto-"

"I can't fucking believe you Harry! I never thought you of all people would do this, what happens if you told them and I got kicked out? What about school? What about my fucking life Harry!"


"Well no you didn't fucking think about me, you were being a selfish dick. Get out Harry."

Zayn was an intimidating person, but when he was angry and thrashing around it was worse. He had never spoken to me like this, I had never done something so stupid. And I had never felt this hurt. My stomach was sitting in my throat and my heart beat was drumming in my ears. My eyes were itching to leak but I would let myself.

Looking into his eyes they looked hurt and clouded before he shook his head and turned around facing his back towards me. I sunk my head defeated and left quickly going downstairs. I didn't want to speak, I couldn't but something took over my body as I stood I front of Zayns confused parents.

"I love that boy." I whispered as I couldn't fight back my tears, they spilt down my face. His parents looked disgusted in me. It only added to the pressure in my chest. I left quickly and jumped in my car zooming away. I couldn't stop the tears. No way.

I slammed my door closed refusing to talk to my mum I held the door tightly stopping her from entering.

"Baby let me help." She whispered from the other side.

I suck down the door keeping myself Locked in and everyone else locked out before I sobbed. I received a text from Zayn.

'What have you done Harry.' I screamed and threw my phone sobbing my eyes out until I fell asleep curled up in a ball.

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