Chapter 4

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Harry's pov.

"Hey mum" I called from the front door as it slammed shut. I took my shoes off and tugged down the hallway towards the kitchen. Sure enough my mum was there cooking something that smelt like heaven.

"Where have you been, it's six?"

"Well.. I sorta got a detention." She turned to face me with a smile on her face and I knew I was in troub- wait? A smile?


"Honey that's fine!" Her eyes twinkled like she was thinking of something. I didn't like it.

"Youre not mad?"

"No. Oh by the way I saw Amelia's mum at the shops earlier. She is such a lovely lady-"

"Well her daughter isn't.." I mumbled so mum didn't hear.

"And I got you an invite to her party tonight! Her parents are going out for a couple of days and said she could have it. Isn't that wonderful dear!" She was smiling genuinely and I didn't want to hurt her by telling her that Amelia was a slut and I wanted nothing to do with her party, so I just smiled sweetly.

"Go have a shower and get ready while I finish dinner!" She shooed me away.

The warm water relaxed my tense muscles almost massaging them, Zayn massaging them would feel so- oh shit. I hate this stupid boy! Why does he have to be in my mind? I turned the water off drying my self with a towel before hanging it loosely on my hips. I walked out of my bathroom into my slightly messy room in search of clothes. I decided on a pair of light jeans and a black printed tee saying 'hipsta please' which clung to my body quite well, and white converse. I put on some spray which made me smell good then dried my hair. When it dried out the curls were massive, so I shook my head and dragged my hand through the front taming it a bit.

Returning back down stairs I saw mum setting out the island connected to the kitchen, we never ate at the table anymore.

"Looks good mum!"

"Eat up baby!"

Dinner was delicious. The meat was a bit chewy, imagine Zayn eating that meat, I wonder what else he could do with that mouth-

"Honey? Hello? I said are you ready to go?" she was giving me a weird look, I felt my stomach twist feeling shy over my thoughts.

"I'm going to walk mum, uh don't wait up ok?" I didn't wait for her response, I just ran out the door. As I stepped out I felt a rush of cold hit me, causing every hair on my body to stand up. I shivered and shoved my hands in my pockets. Amelia's house was about a half an hour walk from mine so I was left alone with my thoughts. My thoughts of Zayn.

I could hear the music faintly from a block away. As I got closer I could see everything properly. People were scattered everywhere, drinks in hand. And that was just the front yard.

I had no idea why I was here.

I passed guys chatting up girls, who were wearing basically nothing, to reach the front door. As soon as I stepped inside I was deafened by the thudding music. There were people crammed into every freaking corner of the house. Everyone had alcohol in their hands. I already had a headache and wanted to leave. I kept on wondering around the house while drunk girls tried to dance on me I politely shoved them away.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him. He freaking had to be here! He looked so fucking good, he had a beer in his left hand and his shirt was so tight. He was surrounded by Louis and his friends, they weren't such bad guys I suppose. I had been staring, correction I had been caught staring. A blush rose to my checks as I looked down and made my way towards the backyard for fresh air.

Zayn's pov

I arrived at the party about an hour ago, to be honest it was pretty good. It's got my mind off a lot of things and I get to hang with Louis since him and his other friends are in some sort of fight. "Zayn!" I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around to see Louis, he had another drink for me, I think I might be drunk after this beer. I grabbed the beer and started to drink it, it was refreshing since it was so hot in here, there were people up the walls it was so packed.

Louis and I just stood there talking and checking out girls, none of them really fancied me, to be honest Harry was the hottest thing I've seen today, wooow Zayn what the hell. "So Amelia invited you ey?" Louis asked me nudging me. "Yer." I answered simply scanning the room once again wondering if anyone special was here, no they wouldn't be would they? He doesn't socialize with these kind of people, my kind of people. As soon as I thought that a frown came across my face unintentionally. "Hey that ain't something to be sad about! You're gonna get some action tonight buddy!" Louis said to me nudging my arm with his elbow. I rolled my eyes and looked away again.

Not much things caught my attention, not even the slutty girls dancing on guys caught my eye, only one thing that did catch my eye ladies and gentlemen, was Harry Styles. He was staring at me! I don't know whether to be freaked out or delighted, no wait freaked out that's a good path to pick. I couldn't bring my eyes away from his though, it was like our eyes and bodies were magnets and we were just connected to each other. Quickly we both turned away, it took all of my strength but I did it. "You right man?" Louis asked me finishing off his beer which I soon did as well. I just nodded and looked back to the spot Harry was in before except he wasn't there, he was gone.

I held in the sigh I knew was coming next, it wasn't anything to be sad about, it was actually a good thing, I think. "Eyyy Louis, Zayn! Guess what we snuck in!" A guy called Andy said to Louis and I. I just looked at him with no interest in what he brung in at all. "Weed bro!" he said to us bringing out a huge bag of weed, it must have cost him a fortune. I think he was only telling us this because he was off his face, he wouldn't have even shown us or said a word about it if he hadn't had one drink. "Wanna help me?" He asked us walking outside. Louis and I just followed him, Louis was winking at the ladies and grabbing some asses as he walked but I just looked down and tried to get the picture of Harry's eyes out of my head. It was as if someone had glued them to the insides of my eye lids and every time I close my eyes I would just see them staring at me.

"HEY BUDDY GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY GIRL!" I heard an Irish accent yell at Louis from my right. I just let it go, I'm always the one to get Louis out of his shit before it happens, he might as well learn a lesson for once. "I don't see your name on her you stupid leprechaun." Louis said back to him smiling.

"But you saw my lips on her you illiterate fuck." He said back to him making me laugh a bit. I looked past the fight to see Harry, he was looking at me now, he actually caught me looking this time. I felt myself go red but I didn't look away, I didn't want to. Slowly I saw him walking towards me, my heart started to beat faster then ever, not even a girl could make my heart beat this fast. "Hey Zayn, you want some Pot or not?" I heard Andy asked me from behind. "No thanks." I said politely which was way out of character for me. "GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY!" I heard Louis yelled before I saw a fist hurtle towards the blonde, Irish lad. Well this is a perfect way to spot your crush out in the crowd, no wait, spot your friend out in the crowd.

Next came the Irish lads fist and so on, a full on fight started in the back yard. I could smell the smoke from cigarettes, smoke from the weed, I could smell the alcohol in the air and feel the alcohol going to my head. "Louis can you just calm down." I said to him not realizing what the hell I just put myself into. It was as if it happened in a millisecond, I didn't feel it one bit, but the blond boys fist came in contact with my temple and down I went. I remember the last thing I saw was an unfamiliar brown hair boy going to break up the fight like I was and Harry.


So what is your favorite song on Take Me Home? I personally like summer love but OMG they're so amazing!!!!

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