Chapter 10

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Zayns pov.

I sat there holding Harry once again. The feelings inside of me were killing me, I knew he hated me right now even though he is holding my hand under a blanket and leaning on me. To be honest I'm surprised the other boys haven't noticed us, the movie must be really good. I haven't really been watching it, I've been controlling myself from talking about what happened and trying not to kiss him. I actually don't even know what this movie is called.

"Oi! I'm gonna go see if there's any hot chicks around, you coming?" Louis asked me turning around making Harry sit up quickly and pull his hand away.

"Nah I'm enjoying the movie, I'll stay." I told him giving him a fake smile and trying not to look at Harry. Louis just rolled his eyes at me and walked off.

"Leeeeeeeyuuuummmm I'm hungry!!!" Niall yelled loud enough for the whole place to hear, I recon an alien on the moon could have heard him actually.

"Then lets go buy food. You guys want anything?" Liam asked us. I watched as his expression went from nothing to confused. I looked at Harry and realized we were still sitting extremely close and for people who just met a couple of days ago that's pretty weird. "No thanks." Harry said to him weakly.

"Can you get me nachos please and make sure they're warm and freshly made, also make sure the cheese is tasty cheese and a large coke with some fanta in it and if they don't give it to you please refuse." I told them smiling and giving them money. Liam once again gave me a confused look and Niall just laughed. I needed more time with Harry though, we needed to have a talk. Liam just nodded and walked off dragging Niall who was still laughing.

"A bit complicated." I heard Harry say quietly.

"Look what you saw earlier wasn't anything, Louis was being a twat and I tried to shut him up and then it turned into a laugh, i know it's all really complicated but I really do like you and we are in a relationship, I wouldn't do anything to hurt you." I took a shaky breathe and looked at Harry.

He was laughing.

I let out an annoyed sigh and was about to go find Niall and Liam when I felt Harry's hand around my arm.

"I ment your food order. But thank you for explaining." He smiled wider then I have seen. Slowly he lent in, hand on the back of my head guiding me. He chuckled and it was damn adorable and then our lips met.


Me and Harry snapped apart and my heart stopped. There stood Liam and Niall. I was bright red and my heart rate was through the roof. It felt like someone was pushing on my lungs cutting of my supply, I glanced at Harry who was also shocked and bright red.

"There was a short line." Niall smiled smugly making my stomach twist.

"Now it's complicated." Harry whispered.

Nialls pov

And they were kissing. I elbowed Liam, and smiled. I fucking guessed it. Liam on the other hand thought it was never going to happen.

"Uhh." We watched as fear set in their eyes from being caught out. It was actually funny.

"There was a short line."

Zayn looked like he wanted to run and Harry looked like he wanted to die. I felt bad but it was just so damn funny. And now Liam owed me ten bucks because I guessed it. Everything was silent. I felt so awkward and bad for the poor buggers.

"If it makes you feel better we had a bet on you guys, I obviously won." I wrapped my arm around the not very happy Liam and hugged him close.

"I don't think that made them feel better Niall."

"Aw come on babe!"

I let it slip, I forgot. Now the rolls had turned and it was me and Liam squirming under their confused gazes.

"What did you just call him?"

Liam sighed. And set down the food and wrapped his arms around my waist in their usual spot and I melted.

"We have been dating for five months now."

I looked at Liam and smiled brightly, he was stunning.

"Niall you were fighting Louis over that girl?" Zayn was waving his hands like a mad man trying to rap his head around this situation.

"Yes, Liam came up with the idea of me taking a girl so no one noticed us."

"But he got drunk and actually made out with her and fought Louis because he sucks at holding his liquor." Liam finished and kissed my jaw softly.

"And I paid for it, he was really pissed." I laughed and faced Liam resting my forehead on his. I heard Harry chuckle as well as Liam.

"I forgave him though, I could never let him go." Liam told the boys as he looked into my eyes, man he is amazing.

"So you guys have been dating for 5 months and you haven't told anyone or no ones suspected anything?" Zayn asked us getting comfortable next to Harry again.

"Nope, well we told our families and stuff but no one else. There was this one kid, Adam or something, he was all like, 'Hey are you guys gay or something?' And yer that was it." I told them both hearing Liam chuckle again. I looked around and realized we were still out of the car where everyone could see us. I sat back in the car next to Zayn. Both of them squashed up near the corner so Liam and I could fit. "So what now? Do we act as if nothing's happening when we're around Louis and other people or...?" Harry asked looking at Zayn with a smile, it looked as if he had been crying or something.

"I guess but when were together we can be.. Gay." Liam told us making us all chuckle.

"Ah great Louis' coming." I said looking out the window to see Louis walking over looking at his feet.

"Wuddddup guys?! Wow, why are you all sitting so close?" Louis asked us.

"We're just cold." Zayn said winking at Harry. I'm glad I was right about them.

"Hey Liam, can I have my ten bucks?" I whispered to him giving him a quick wink.


Yer so we have basically caught up to where we are writing. It might take a but longer then usual since we still want to be a chapter in front all the time and right now were not but I'd just thought I should share u this chapter cause.. Well u know why.

(\/)_(0,,,0)_(\/) hehe zoidberg :3

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