Chapter 9

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Zayns pov.

Stupid fricken Louis. I wanted to stay at Harry's for as long as I could but no Louis texted me saying he was on his way to my place. Harry is just so perfect though, I know I've said it before but he is perfect. The way he blushes when he does something and when he kisses me, it's like fireworks. "Zayyyynnnn!!!" I heard someone yell out from a car that passed by, I forgot I was walking. I couldnt see who it wa but I could defiantly recognize the voice. Niall.

The car rolled back towards me and stopped. In the car was Niall and Liam, they both looked pretty good today although Liam did look as if he didn't want to be there. "Why are you walking home so late?" Niall asked me looking hyper. "I just left Ha- helping out at the shops.." I said wanted to just die in a whole. "Oh, you work?" Liam asked me looking as if he was actually interested in something. "No, yes, no, umm... SO WHERE ARE YOU GUYS GOING?" I yelled cracking under the pressure. "Your place.." Niall said to me looking as if I was stupid. "My place?" I asked him not knowing why he was going to my place or why he knew where I live.

"Louis said we were meeting up at your place, picking up Harry and heading to a drive in movie or something." Liam told me making me chok on air. "WHAT THE HELL?! Nope, I can't." I told him starting to walk again. They just laughed and started to drive next. "Yer you can, don't worry we won't get caught if that's what you're worried about." Niall said to me making Liam roll his eyes, I could tell he loved this plan. I would want to go but they said Harry was going, he doesn't know obviously but if we did go I would be so tempted to do something that.. "Okay just give me a lift home." I said to him stopping my train of thought before I got myself turned on, gosh.

I hopped in the car and we drove off, Niall being extremely excited and singing along to Rihanna. I don't know why Louis makes me do this stuff, he is so random. He probably heard some girls talking about going to the drive ins tonight and wanted to get some action. "So why is Harry coming?" I asked Niall as we rocked up to my place. "Well he seemed a bit down today so I want him to come and have some fun for once. I feel sorry for the kid, no one really cares about him." Niall told me making me tense up, I care.

"Alright lads! Lets go!" Louis said to us hopping in the back of the car with me. "Sup Zayn! Oh sorry for not telling you about this, been busy." He told me winking, he had sex in other words. "Nice." I said to him rolling my eyes, I can't believe I made friends with this guy! I mean I've slept with just as much girls as him, I'm a fricken monster. "Don't be such a downer all the time Zayn you use to be fun man." He told me making me annoyed. "No I use to be irresponsible." I said under my breath. I saw Liam chuckle a bit as he obviously heard what I said, I don't think Louis heard me though. "So are we getting that umm guy, what's his face?" Louis asked Niall hitting the back of his chair. "His names Harry." I told him getting angry, control yourself Zayn. Louis just rolled his eyes at me and told Niall to turn up the radio.

As we arrived at Harry's my nerves were going wild, we were going to be sitting next to each other for hours and we can't do anything. Hopefully he doesn't come though, I mean its Harry he wouldn't come, he doesn't go behind his mums back like that. I waited for Niall and Liam to come out of his house without him so we could just get this over and done with. "So why couldn't you join the threesome again?" Louis asked me leaning his legs on my lap. "Because I was busy and didn't want to." I told him looking down at his legs. "What you looking at Malik? You like mah hot legs?" He told me stroking them like a girl would do which made me laugh. "You know it Tommo! Yumm cause you're just my type!" I told him pushing them off me. "Oh but Malik you love me, you just want to lick me up and down and-" before he could finish I had to stop him cause every time he said something I would just imagine Harry.

I jumped on him and started play fighting with him. We were both laughing uncontrolably, these are the moments I love with Louis, he isn't so serious and he actually has real fun. "Oh ZAYN YES!" He yelled out sexually making me laugh even more. "ZAYN!" He screamed again and I stopped due to the fact I was laughing that much.

We heard someone clear their throat, I turned and saw Niall standing there with Harry right next to him looking at me as if he hated me. "Make room for Harry retards." Niall told us. I could feel my face burning up and my stomach start to twist. He must have heard all of that, he would have thought I was cheating.

He sat down next to me and I tried not to look at him, he was just too perfect. None of our body parts were touching like they usually would when 3 people are in the back of a car, he was squishing himself against the door.

"Hey Haz." I said to him trying to get a response or a look. "Hi." He replied looking out the window. Great Zayn.

Harry's pov

Niall cleared his throat.

Zayn paused from straddling Louis and faced me. His eyes locked on mine for a second before I adverted mine. My throat was closed so tight I thought I would faint. I couldn't ignore the stabbing feeling in my stomach either.

My thoughts were all jumbled and clogged and I was being to get a headache just by the time I had sat down in the car. I luckily had the window seat so I didn't have to look in zayns direction. I know we haven't been going out long but seriously? It hurts. I squashed myself up to the door staring out of the window because if I didn't I knew I would have look at zayn.

"Hey haz." the moment I heard his voice something inside me twitched and ached with more pain. But I held strong, if he was going to treat me like this then I won't let him know how much it affects me.


I could picture in my mind his face in reaction to my cold greeting. And I didn't like it. I squeezed my eyes shut willing the images to go away. The bastard then decides to place his hand below my knee just at the start of my thigh, and squeeze.

I almost fucking snapped.

His touch was warm and tingly but he was being so cruel. I tensed and pulled my leg away although he tried to cling onto me.

"ZAYYYN OH DON'T STOP!" Louis squealed, feeling up zayns thighs. At that moment I wanted to kill he boy and hide his body but I couldn't take my eyes off of where he was touching. Zayn looked a mixture of pissed and uncomfortable, he almost made me feel bad for him, almost.

"Seriously mate that's enough I said no alright?" Zayn sounded so demanding, and damn it it was hot. no matter how turned on I was about zayn I still had that stabbing feeling in my stomach. Zayn shot me an apologetic look and I rolled my eyes before focusing my attention on the window once more.

The rest of the car ride was in silence, apart from old songs faintly playing through the speakers.

I got out of the car very fast once we had arrived, zayn was fumbling with his seatbelt trying to catch up. My plan was to ignore him until we were alone, and then I would slap him. It was working beautifully, he kept trying to start a conversation with me but I would just shut them down. We were at the drive in movies and so we had the boot open of nialls car so we could sit. Liam, Niall and Louis sat towards the front of the boot and I sat towards the back alone before zayn decided to sit abnormally close. We wre watching some movie about agents gone rouge and the boys were really into it, I on the other hand couldn't get the picture of zayn on top of Louis out of my head.

About half way through the movie I pulled a blanket, that Liam had thought to bring, around me to keep warm because the sun had set and the wind had become chilly. I could feel zayn moving and then he had his hands laced with mine. And I didn't stop it this time. I just needed him. Yes I was upset but I just wanted to hold him at the same time and it confused the fuck out of me. I slowly leaned on zayns shoulder, watching incase one of the boys turned around, and silently let tears fall from my eyes.

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