Chapter 13

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Zayns pov

"So, you're coming tonight right?" Harry asked me from across the lunch table with a mouth full of pasta.

"If you want me too, I mean, yer, umm.." I mumbled on feeling the nerves rise in my stomach, I was so scared to meet his mum properly. I wanted to meet her in a better situation where she didn't get mad at me for being her sons boyfriend like yesterday.

"Zayn don't worry about it, I told you, my mums amazing." Harry said to me grabbing my hand which was on the table making sparks fly through my hand, I still get them.

"I know but, I really want to make a good impression and everything and, not that this will ever happen, what if we break up soon or something then it will just be awkward." I said feeling my cheeks change to a crimson red color as I pulled my hand away. I watched as his face fell a bit, I knew I shouldn't have said that.

"Zayn like you said, that's never going to happen, you mean way too much to me that's why I want you to meet her. She already loves you after I told her about everything. Just please, it means we get to spend more time together." He pleaded as his puppy dog eyes locked with mine.

I felt myself sigh as I looked into his green orbs. "You really do have me wrapped around your finger don't you Styles." I said to him as a smile made it way onto my face. I watched as he basically jumped for joy, if only I could kiss him.

"Yay! This means so much Zayn." He told me making my smile fall a bit from nerves again, this is going to be... Fun.


I rang the doorbell holding a box of chocolates I bought his mum, I hope she likes chocolate. I heard the door unlock and I quickly looked up seeing Harry with a colorful flanlet top on and some jeans that suited him perfectly. "Chocolates?" He asked me looking at them.

"For your mum. I told you I want to make a good impression." I said to him laughing with nerves. I just have a feeling telling me she won't like me... Harry grabbed my hand as he raced me inside to the kitchen where I smelt the most amazing food ever, my mum never cooks like this for me.

"Mum this is Zayn, Zayn this is mum." Harry pointed to each one if us as he introduced us. She turned around with the biggest smile on her face, it reminded me of Harry's.

"Hello Ms. Styles, nice too meet you." I said awkwardly handing her the chocolates, I'm a douche, I am a douche!

"Oh please call me Anne! Nice to meet you properly. Zayn you really didn't have to buy me chocolates." She told me grabbing them.

"Oh no it's fine!" I told her laughing and smiling awkwardly looking at Harry who was smiling like a little child who had seen Santa for the first time.

"Why don't you guys go sit at the table dinner should be ready in a couple minutes." She told us turning around and going back to the stove.

I walked over to Harry who grabbed my hand once again and pulled me towards the front room where we watched the movie the first time I was over. "You introduced yourself amazing." Harry whispered to me as he gripped my shirt and pulled me in for a much needed kiss. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer to me wanting more of him. "Thank you." I mumbled as we made out in the living room.

"Boys! Come on!" I heard Ms Sty- Anne, yell out from the kitchen. I pulled away and just looked Harry in the eyes. "We shall continue this later." I whispered to him as I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the table. I heard a cute giggle leave his mouth as he skipped behind me, he is such a tard. We walked into the kitchen to find a roast lamb sitting in the middle of it looking so mouth watering and some mashed potatoes, carrots and gravey surrounding it, gosh I bet Niall wished he was here. "Wow mum!" Harry gasped as he sat down next to me on the table.

"Looks wonderful!" I added wanting to stuff my face in my food already, I actually am really hungry.

As we ate Anne asked me some questions about my life, it was actually pretty weird how I was telling her about everything, all my problems at home and problems with friends. She seemed like she understood my situation and she actually cared about it, Harry's the only one who really cares about my problems, I think. I didnt go deep into things like my drug addiction and how I've slept with heaps of girls, but I got enough off my chest to feel welcome into the family.

"Harry you're right your mum is amazing." I said to him laying down on his bed.

"I told you Zayn, I think she really likes you." He said sitting on my legs, if he was any higher he would be straddling me which I don't think is a very good idea since his mum is home. I closed my eyes and thought about what just happened, I think she knows me better then my own parents. "Zayn." I heard Harry say moving positions and laying down next to me.

"Yes Hazzakins?" I asked him opening my eyes and looking down at him.

"What you thinking about?" He asked me.

"How lucky I am to have you." I told him lifting his chin up and meeting my lips with his. I felt him move a hand to my hair as I wrapped my arms around him and pulling him on top of me as our lips were still connected. Quickly things got heated as our tongues battled for domanence. I felt as he put his cold amazing hands just above my pants line sending amazing shivers everywhere in my body. I let out a huge breath as I felt myself getting excited. "Harry, Harry stop." I said to him sitting up moving a bit away from him but not too much that we weren't touching at all. He looked confused as he caught his breath back.

"We shouldn't do anything too, umm, sexual already. I just don't think it's the right time for us." I told him remembering what he told me the day I came over for that movie. I watched as a smile grew on his face and he came and pushed me down on the bed and laid his head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes enjoying the moment.

"Zayn, when can I meet your parents?" He asked me making my stomach twist and my heart stop, he wanted to meet my parents?

"Harry they don't even know I'm gay yet." I told him.

"Well tell them, you can't hide it forever. They're going to find out someday." He laughed playing with my shirt.

"They won't find out if I don't ever tell them." I told him knowing what my parents would do if they ever find out.

"What? You're not going to tell them? Ever?" He asked me sitting up and looking at me dead in the eyes.

"We'll as long as I can hide it from them I will." I told him sitting up as well and reaching for his still cold hands.

"So I'm never going to meet them?" He asked as diselief set inside of him.

"Maybe as a friend yer but I'm not going to tell them I'm your boyfriend."

"You're not proud of being my boyfriend?! You don't want your family to know that you want to grow old and live a happy life with a guy?!" He asked pulling his hand away and standing up.

"Harry it's not that, it's just that-" I started but got cut off by him.

"It's just that what Zayn? You don't want your parents to know you're in a relationship with some low life that doesn't ever get recognized?! With some strange boy that doesn't have any friends at school?! You don't want your parents to know that you date people like me?!" He started yelling at me pacing sound his room. I watched as his hands moved to his hair and his breathing got unsteady and heavy.

"HARRY!! NO! YOU DONT KNOW MY PARENTS! THEY WON'T ACCEPT ME FOR BEING GAY! THEY DONT WANT THEIR ONLY SON TO BE GOING AROUND FANCYING GUYS! THEY WANT ME TO BE STRAIGHT, FIND A GIRL AND HAVE A FAMILY WITH HER! THEIR RELIGION DONESNT RESPECT GAYS AND IM SCARED THAT IF I TELL THEM THAT I LIKE GUYS AND I HAVE A BOYFRIEND WHO I REALLY LIKE THEY WILL JUST THROW ME OUT ON THE STREETS AND LEAVE ME TO DIE!" I yelled at him feeling a tear slide down my face. "It's not that I don't want my parents to know YOU Harry, you're the best thing that has ever, ever, ever happened to me. I just don't want to be looked at as the gay guy who's parents don't speak to him anymore because he rather do it with a guy then a girl."

I watched as he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. "I'm sorry Zayn, I didn't know. You can tell them where ever you like." He whispered go me as he whipped some of my tears away. "I'm here for you."

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