Chapter 18

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Hey so it's been a while.. Like what a month? I'm sorry okay! And I'm sorry cause this chapters all in Zayns pov and we havent has Harry's for a while. Yer oh and look up this guy called paint on YouTube and watch after ever after.. Fucken AMAZING! I basically know al, the words. Okay so read, vote, comment, call me a bitch, whatever! Enjoy xxx oh plus I made this super long :)

Zayns pov

"What the.." I looked out the window and saw something I did but did not want to see at the same time. It, it was Harry and... Oh my gosh. I looked at Niall who just sat there smiling at me. My stomach was going wild and the thoughts in my head were just not right. "Niall, what is this?" I asked Niall looking into his blue eyes that seemed happy for some reason.

"Get out of my car and have a look for yourself." He answered back not as rudley as it sounds.

"No Niall I can't. I'm not talking to Harry." I told him trying not to look back at Harry even though I felt like a complete slut face for doing so.

"Well I'm not driving off. Zayn just give Harry another chance, you know he is sorry and he wants to make it up to you."

I sighed as I looked from Niall to Harry who looked nervous as he stood there. The sun shone down on him making his skin glow and his brown locks seem a lighter colour. The slight breeze pushed back his hair a bit making him look some what proper but the clothes he was wearing, they just seemed different but a good different. I don't know what was different about it but my gosh, I liked it. I slowly made my eye sight line up with his perfect green ones and sure enough, my heart fluttered.

"So you getting out or...?" I heard Niall say making me snap out of my daize.

"What- uh yer." I said to him grabbing my school bag and hoping out of the car.

"Oi, leave your bag in my car. There is no need to have it." Niall told me giving me a smile. I smiled back and put my bag in his car before he drove away leaving me with a distant Harry.

I slowly made my way over to him feeling my body tremble with every step. Thoughts ran around my head making me doubt being here. I know I am still mad at him but what he was trying to do was a good thing even though it turned out badly, but he still went against my word ruining my trust in him. What if he just wants to tell me that he is fine with being just friends with me and never wants to be my boyfriend again? I know I broke it off with him earlier today but I don't think I could handle that and I-

"Thinking hard Zayn?" I heard his sweet husky voice say cutting off my thoughts.

"Uhh, yer. My mind just won't shut up at the moment." I told him with a slight chuckle on the end.

"Mine either." He confessed stepping a bit closer to me. I looked into his eyes and saw the confusion and regret in them making my heart break a little more then it already was.

"Harry, what are we doing here?" I asked him looking around at the scenery for a second.

To the left of us there was a not too big but not too small gazebo that was painted white but had a few bits of paint that was falling off making it look old and amazing, there was a huge pink tree which we were now standing under shading us from the sun and the rest was just wide fields of grass.

"We're here to patch things up between us. I know I did wrong and you don't know how sorry I am for doing what I did Zayn, but you need to know that I don't think I could live without you. The last few days or however long it's been since the incident have been the worst days for me, I couldn't handle not even looking at you Zayn! And I just can't think of what might happen if you say that you don't want to be my boyfriend or even my friend anymore because what happened in the portable today hurt me bad enough and I just can't let you go Zayn! I think I might just-"

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