Chapter 17

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Harry's pov

He left. He left me here in an empty portable with just my mind to keep me sane. The fact that I did this to him was eating me alive. Nothing was going to get me out of this state of mind and I knew it. I fucked up his life, I got him kicked out and I was the one who got my heart broken. I watched him walk away and with every step my heart broke a bit more. "FOR FUCK SAKE HARRY!" I yelled at myself hitting the table. "EVERYTIME YOU GET SOMETHING YOU NEED YOU FUCK IT UP!" I didn't know what I was doing I just knew it felt good to let my anger out.

"Woow! Harry stop! Stop!!" I heard an Irish accent yell out from the door after a couple of minutes. I ignored it and just carried on, I still had anger inside of me and I knew this was the only way to get it out. "Harry!" I heard him yell again. I felt someone grab my waist and someone else grab my hand I threw at the wall. I tried to get out of his grip but they were too stronge, fuck you Liam for working out. "Harry stop stop please. Look what you're doing to yourself!" Niall told me showing me my swollen and bruised hands. My head dropped a bit as I relaxed my mussels. "What happened?" Liam asked letting go of me and sitting down on a seat.

"I got him kicked out! I'm so stupid! Now I don't even know if he wants to be with me anymore! I don't want him to leave me but he has to because I'm a dickhead! No one deserves me!" I told them through the tears that were running down my face.

"Harry stop it. You made a mistake okay. Zayns parents can't be mad at him forever. And Harry listen to me when I say this, you DO deserve him! Only a fool would think they're too good to be with you! You just need to prove it to him alright." Liam told me as Niall comforted me and whipped the stray tears off my face. I looked down again and let his words soak in. I didn't argue with them, I just nodded and walked out.

"Harry mate! Don't you want some help?" Niall yelled out from behind me.

"No!" I yelled back. I know they would probably have some crazy idea that would be cute, romantic and appropriate all in one but I didn't need help, I had to do this.

Zayns pov.

"Zayn you are extremely late." Mr Runnel told me making all eyes turn to me. Oh great, now everyone is judging, just how I like it... Not. The only reasons I'm late is because Louis does shut his mouth! Wow, total déjà-vu.

"Mr Runnel Zayn was only late because he saw me trying to skip class and convinced me to come to class. Don't punish him, punish me!" That voice was the other reason I didn't want to come. Hearing it makes my heart hurt but beat extremely fast at the exact same time, fuck this boy gets to me. I turned a bit to see Harry standing behind me with his hand on the back of his neck and his eyes red.

"Well Mr Styles, your tardiness is noted. You will have a detention tomorrow lunch time as for you Mr Malik, you get a warning." Mr Runnel spoke making me scrunch my eyes in confusion.

I let what just happen process through my head as I took a seat next to some chick I'm sure I've slept with. Why was Harry getting a detention and I wasn't? Why the hell was he later then me? Why the fuck did he cover for me?! "So you're friends with that freak show now Zayn? Wow you've down graded." I heard her whisper to me as I starred at the whiteboard with writing on it.

"Who are you?" I asked getting annoyed, no one calls Harry a freak show no matter how mad I am at him.

"Elizabeth, we had sex at Ryan's party a few months ago." She said a bit to loud for my liking.

"Whatever. It's none of your fucked up business if I'm friends with him or not." I replied bitterly hoping she would shut the fuck up.

"Just a heads up, no girl would ever want to sleep with you if you keep hanging out with, what ever his name is. Get your act together player." She whispered in my ear making me want to throw up.

"Okay thanks for the advise. By the way Mr Hall told me to tell you that you left your jacket in his car." I said to her smiling. Her jaw dropped and she rolled her eyes, maybe now she will shut up.

The class went on and I could feel Harry looking at me the whole time. I wanted to turn around and apologize for being so harsh but there was a voice inside my head telling me not to and ignore him, so I listened to it.

"Alright class before the bell goes I want you to hand me up your homework." Mr Runnel told us. Crap, I was going to do the homework with Harry, looks like I'm gonna fail this class as well. "Zayn." I heard Harry say scaring me. He was standing beside me with a piece of paper in his hand. His hands were purple and black with bruises which worried me but he just put the paper on my desk and gave his homework to Mr Runnel. I looked at the paper and it was the homework. It had a sticky note on it.


I know this probably doesn't make up for everything I have done to you, but I hope it's enough for you to consider me being in your life again at some point in time. I never ment to hurt you and I hope you know that. I'm really sorry Zayn but hand this in because I know you wouldn't have done the homework.

- Hazzakins.'

I sighed and took the sticky note off and put it in my pocket before anyone could see it. I loved the fact that he is trying to get me back but there is still that voice in my head telling me not to forgive him. I took the homework upto the desk and placed it there. I flashed a small smile at Harry who was sitting down now and immediately I could see the green in his eyes get brighter, arg my heart hurts.

The last two periods went by quickly and soon enough I was making my way home all by myself. When I say home though, I mean my aunties. "Oh look who it is." I heard an Irish voice say. I rolled my eyes and kept on walking. "Oi Zayn! Don't ignore me!" He spoke again. He tooted the horn of the car he was in and finally I cracked. "WHAT NIALL!?" I yelled stopping in my tracks and looking at him. He had a smile on his face, as usual and was scoffing down a bag of chips, as usual. "Hop in the car." He spoke spitting chips everywhere.

"Why, are you going to give me a lecture about how breaking Harry's heart and leaving you guys was stupid and pathetic?!"

"What? No. You just look like you needed a lift. Come on hop in!" I stood there for a moment. I really couldn't be bothered walking but I didn't want to hop in that car. After debating with myself over it for a few seconds I sighed and hopped in the passenger seat.

"Ey! Glad you could jump aboard me matey!" Niall spoke with a pirates voice. I laughed but didn't reply.

"Niall turn here." I told him. He just laughed at me and sped up. "Niall you missed the turn!" I told him annoyed, what the fuck is wrong with this leprauchan?!

"Zayn were not going to your place. I'm taking you somewhere else." He told me making my face drop even more.

"Niall what the fuck do you mean we're going somewhere else?! I've had a long day and I don't want to do anything! Take me home!!" Again all he did was laugh at me and kept on driving. I sighed in defeat and turned up his radio since it was the only thing keeping me from going insane right now. I pulled out a smoke and put it in my mouth. "No smoking in my car Malik." The Irish said. I rolled my eyes and put it away.

"We have now arrive at our destination." Niall spoke like a GPS lady. I looked out the window expecting to be at Nialls place or something but instead we were at some place that I didn't even know existed.

"What the.." I looked out the window and saw something I did but did not want to see at the same time. It, it was Harry and... Oh my gosh...


IT'S UP! Sorry it's pretty crap. And sorry it's a cliff hanger. I'm just sorry okay. I'm not in a good mood. Hope u like it though. Xxx

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