Taking Chances (boyxboy)

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Zayns pov

I got glares as I walked the hallway of my school, I should be use to it by now though, it's been happening for years. Everyone thinks I'm this complete bad boy, I'm not that bad of a guy though. Yer I broke the law that once, I have a tattoo because my parents let me have one, I skipped class a few times just like everyone else, I smoke to help me with the stress but that doesn't mean I'm a bad guy.

It all started when I was 11. I was over my 'best friend' Andrews house and we were playing in the front yard. Andrews ball got thrown into his neighbors back yard by me accidentally and we wanted to get it back. We tried to ring the doorbell but no one was home. "Jump the fence." Andrew said to me. Me being me just rolled my eyes and jumped the fence as if it was nothing. Unfortunatly the owners of the house were home, they were just asleep when we rang the door bell. They caught me in their back yard and they pressed charges the assholes. Andrew went back to school and informed everyone about the event except he told the story completely differently, apparently I killed a cat. And that is how this whole bad boy repretation started.

Harry's pov

Invisible, that's my name. Well technically it's Harry but I am invisible, a nobody. I stick to myself. I don't like to share my thoughts or feelings, I honestly think that's why problems are caused. People are too quick to talk about their thoughts ending them in trouble. No I just keep to my self.

High school has sucked so far for me, and I think it will suck until I graduate and move really, really far away. Although keeping to my self keeps me out of trouble, it also sorta turns me invisible. I have no friends, just a few people I will mindlessly chat too if needed. I have never dated anybody. I have never gotten in trouble. I have never been given and award or any sort of recognition. I'm just floating my way through high school, until i move onto better things.

I had reached the iron gates of school, I sighed, shoving my hands deeper into my pockets and dragging my converse sloppily. I hadn't wanted to come today, or any other week day, but my mother insists. She understands my situation, and isn't too pushy that's why I love her. I paid no attention to the students I was passing, instead I re-adjusted my headphones. Coldplay was stuck on replay, they were a distraction to the human zoo I had entered. My locker always creaked on opening, it was the most annoying sound imaginable but I couldn't fix it.

"Hey Harry!"

I snapped my head to the left to see Niall, he is one of the very few I would talk too. He was a nice kid, smart but fun. His hair though.. It was bleach blonde but his brown roots were showing through. I liked him better as a brunette.

"Hey Niall." I smiled weakly then turned to put my maths and science books away.

Niall didn't seemed fazed, he just sort of amused himself which made him likable.

I flipped my head, then dragged my hands through the chocolate brown curls, trying to tame them before walking to b13 for my first lesson, business, the bell was about to go any minuet. I walked into an almost empty room, the only occupant being Mr Runnel typing away at his laptop. I took a seat at the very back right corner before turning my music up and sinking low in my seat.

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