can you imagine?

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As asked of him, Remus decided to stay away from Caroline for the next two weeks. It hurt him a lot because he wanted to be around Caroline, he wanted to talk to her, to hug her, to hold her. And even though it hurt him, he stayed away because he cared about Caroline's feelings more than he cared about his own.

Over this time, he'd try to get closer to Harry and he considered them acquaintances. "I can talk to her if you'd like," Harry offered.

"Really?" Remus asked, his head bopping up from his desk and looking at Harry hopefully. 

If he was being honest, Harry was very annoyed that he kept getting held back after every Defense Against the Dark Arts class so Remus could mope around about Caroline. It was very annoying.

"I mean, I guess."

"Okay, then go!" Remus exclaimed urgently, wanting to get Caroline to talk to him again without being needy. He was needy, he just didn't want Caroline to go.

"Right now?"

"Well, she doesn't teach classes until 9 pm and it's 4 pm now SO GO!" the sandy-haired man shouted, practically going to jump and down if this worked. Harry was pushed out of Remus' classroom faster than ever.

Harry looked back at Remus and he made a motion with his hand, waving Harry off. The young bespectacled boy turned back around and went in search of Aunt Caroline.


"So, let's say I really fancied this girl," Harry said. He was laying on Caroline's bed while she was grading her student's papers. "And I finally got the nerve to ask her out."

"OoOoohh," Caroline teased. "Who's the special girl?"

Harry gulped. There was no special girl.

He'd listened to Remus' sad love story and he was going to set the same exact scene that Remus had. "Not important," Harry said quickly. "I finally asked her out but she said that she didn't want to be seen with me so we had a secret relationship."

"Okay," Caroline nodded slowly. It was a bit of a strange story for a 13 year old but Caroline assumed it was because he was still figuring out love and needed advice. "Go on."

"So, we've been doing good for around six months now," Harry said, trying to jog Caroline's old memories. "And we were in love."

"Harry, you're thirteen. I mean, love has no age minimum but don't you think you're too young to be thinking about love?" Caroline asked, not picking up on Harry's hints. 

"No, no, no, Aunt Caroline. I don't just love her, I'm in love with her," Harry insisted, copying Remus' words from their last therapy session. "And I cheated on her."

"Why?" the blonde scoffed. 

"It was an accident and it was so harsh on me, trust me. I was crying and moping around and even now, months after, He's still- I mean, uh, I'm still moping around and being an annoying bitch," Harry complained. 

"Um, exactly when did you love this girl? It sounds like you fell in love with her when you were 11, Harry," Caroline said with narrowed eyes. Harry nervously scratched the back of his head and didn't make eye contact with Caroline.

"Just listen to my story, Aunt Caroline. So let's say, I practically ghosted her for months," Harry shrugged. "And now, I've just apologized and I really really miss her. Do you think she should forgive me?"

"I think she should-"

"AHA!" Harry exclaimed, sitting upright in Caroline's bed. "REMUS HAD THE SAME EXACT SCENARIO AND YOU HAVEN'T FORGIVEN HIM!"

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